Pamela Henkelman | Empty Nest Coach

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In Christ, You are A Part

“All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.” -1 Corinthians 12:27

I Want to Belong

I survey the room looking for a warm face. Even though I’m outgoing and friendly, I hate that feeling when I enter a room and know no one. Or worse yet, I know them, but not well. If I know they’re a close-knit bunch I wonder if they’ll make room for one more. I feel self-conscious, too tall, too loud. It makes me want to shrink. I’m the girl on the outside waiting to be invited in. 

I take a brave step forward and say “hi.”  Win them with a big smile, I think. One person acknowledges me, but the rest carry on with their conversation. I feel awkward. Maybe I picked the wrong circle?  Maybe it doesn’t have to do with me at all. My inclination is to talk fast and try to get someone involved in the conversation, so I don’t feel so stupid. I’ll offer a warm smile and hope for the best, but sometimes people don’t respond. Then I feel stupid and wish I hadn’t tried. Sometimes I wonder, what’s the point?  Being a part is a risky business.

So the trick is to anticipate which group will invite me in. Which circle will include me? You know how women are. We’re not always the best at that, especially when we know each other well.  We’re close, so we share our inside jokes and common interests. We can unknowingly give off the vibe of “you’re not one of us, and we don’t desire to expand our reach.” Perhaps that’s the voice of my inner critic keeping me from connection?  It’s hard to tell some days. Either way, I tread lightly because I felt the sting of rejection.

Girls and women have been playing this game for years. The dance shows up in Girl Scouts, College Sororities, Mom Playgroups, Card Clubs, Coffee Clutches and Bible Studies. We want to be part of something great without fear of rejection.

You Can Be A Part

We have a need to belong and Christ invites us to be a part of His family,  He calls His family the Body of Christ where He is the head and we are the parts.  Each part is valuable and important. Some parts are open and visible while other parts are hidden, but not one part will be overlooked by Him. 

Christ is the great equalizer who allows everyone to be a part. In Christ, we are all in the inner circle. Christ makes us all equal no matter our race, position, social class, education, experience, past or mistakes. He invites us to dine at the table with Him. We’re not on the fringe, waiting to be invited close. He says, “welcome home, I’m so glad you’re here.” 

We won’t face rejection again, as Christ accepts us as we are. We don’t have to clean ourselves up or be a certain way.  He invites us close and is willing to have a relationship with us. We don’t have to earn it or be good enough for it. He willingly invites us to be a part.

Dear Papa, Thank you in Christ we are never rejected.  You invite us into your family. We become the Body of Christ, where you are the head and each of us is important.  Thank you for welcoming us close and accepting us.

Are you still struggling?

Maybe this will help.

I’ve included a free guide to help you understand your identity in Christ as a beloved daughter of God.  Click on the image below and leave your name and email so I know where to send it.