Pamela Henkelman | Empty Nest Coach

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God Speaks Through His Word

Oh, how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge!’ Romans 11:33a

Now that we understand God speaks, it’s time to talk about how He speaks.  

The number one way God speaks is through His Word. Before we move forward, it’s helpful to think about our view of the Bible. Do you see it negatively because you’ve felt preached at, or condemned by someone who has taught from the Word?  Do you find God’s Word confusing and contradictory, so you avoid it?  Are you easily bored with God’s Word? Do you believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God? These mindsets will have an effect on how you relate to the scriptures. Before we move forward, It’s good to evaluate your perception of the Word. See if there’s anything holding you back from hearing God speak through the Word.

God Speaks To Me

Part of my morning routine is intentional interaction with God through His Word.  I’ve practiced this rhythm for over 30 years. I’ve done it with nursing babies and wiggly toddlers at my feet. I’ve done it when trials loom large and hopelessness wants to swallow me whole. I’ve done it through the pain of injury and interpersonal strife. I’ve met with God when my love grows cold, and when my attitude needs adjustment.  I’ve sat with God in deep sorrow and celebratory joy, and each time I learn something new about who God is.

I sit in a comfy chair, wrapped in a blanket with my favorite cup of Caribou Mahogony blend, my Bible, and a notebook in hand. I come with an attitude of expectancy. The Bible is a love letter from God to me and I look forward to what Papa wants to say to me.  Some days He speaks encouragement, others we’ll deal with a heart issue or attitude that needs attention. At times the Holy Spirit will deposit revelation and understanding. The Holy Spirit’s job is to reveal the truth to me.  

As I read the Word, I search for clues of who God is. I don’t like to read too much, just enough to understand the context of a passage. I pay attention to verbs or action words. What God does and says are clues to who He is. What character trait is highlighted in the passage? Is it His power, wisdom, compassion, love, faithfulness, sovereignty, enduring love, or kindness?  I like to write down my thoughts in a journal, so I can look back at what God spoke. We never come to the end of all there is to learn about God.

How God Speaks

The Bible is a revelation of God’s character.  Each story and character is a testament to God’s activity on the earth and with people.  Every parable is designed to reveal a part of God’s attributes. When we imagine ourselves as the characters, God will use the Holy Spirit to reveal things to us.  

When people ask me how I know God’s voice I always say, “God speaks Bible.” All God says and does can be confirmed by scripture. He will never relate to us out of character or against the truth of His Word. It’s how we know it’s God.  When He speaks we can check it against the accuracy of the Word.  Does it line up?  Has God said this or done this somewhere in the Bible?

Are these words I’m hearing congruent with who God is? God doesn’t speak in an audible voice, but He will give us thoughts that line up with His patterns. This is how God speaks.

What does God like to speak to us about?  He wants us to understand His character, but He also wants to teach, correct, rebuke, encourage, direct, guide, comfort, and confront.  But He speaks the same manner He did with a person in scripture. He spoke to them personally or through experience.  That’s why it’s so important to know Biblical stories. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  He does not change, nor contradict Himself. 

Many struggles to discern the difference between their voice and God’s voice. Because God is love, His tone is gentle, filled with compassion and grace. Even in His rebuke and correction, He speaks from a posture of love.  God speaks to us now, through the voice of the Holy Spirit.  Friends, another name for the Holy Spirit is Comforter.  If the voice is gentle, kind, and filled with peace, it’s God! If you sense condemnation, harshness, criticism, or judgment that is not God because it’s contrary to His character. It’s likely the voice of the Enemy or your negative self-talk.

You will only hear God speak if you actually spend time in His Word. It’s funny isn’t it, how easily we let these nurturing moments with God fall to the wayside because we have more pressing things to do? I do not condemn you, but I want to encourage you to find a time that works for you based on your life’s rhythm. It’s beneficial to make a habit to read and study God’s Word so you can hear God’s voice. Often the most important reason we don’t recognize God’s voice is that we’re not familiar with the Word.  

Action Step:

Your assignment for this week to carve out some time with your Bible and God.  Look for evidence of God’s character as you read His Word.  Look for cues to what He does or says in relation to the people in the stories. God reveals something about Himself, and as you train yourself to recognize His activity, you will know it’s Him.

Send me an email and tell me what God has shown you!  Email me at  I cannot wait to hear your stories. 

Let’s pray:

Dear Papa, Thank you for the gift of your Word and how You speak to us in it. Thank You for helping me want to read it. Fill me with a hunger for Your Word because it’s where You speak most clearly.  Open my heart, ears, and eyes to see Your character in each story.  Reveal Your character to me by the power of the Holy Spirit.  I am ready and willing to listen. Amen.

Still, struggling?

Maybe this will help.

I’ve created a free guide, “Five Attributes Needed for A Close Connection with God.”  Simply enter your name and email below so I know where to send it.

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