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160. Avoid These 10 Phrases: What NOT to Say to Your Adult Child, part 1

No mother intends to hurt her grown child with her words, and yet she does. Without realizing it, we can make our kids feel guilty, criticized, or like they never quite measure up. Tune in for 10 phrases not to say to your adult child.


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158. Six Biblical Ways for Christian Empty Nest Couples to Strengthen Communication, Part 2

Have you ever tried “I feel” statements with your husband? They are a great way to help you be honest and communicate with understanding instead of blame. We also talk about focusing on fun and seeking professional help when you feel stuck in a negative communication pattern in your empty nest.

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156.Empty Nest Marriage: 7 Communication Barriers and Practical Ways to Heal, Part 2

Communication can be one of our greatest struggles in an empty nest marriage. When you understand the communication barriers, you can learn to remedy them. Let’s discuss the obstacles of poor listening skills, neglecting spiritual connection, different visions for the future, and lack of quality time.

154.  Finding Your Purpose in the Empty Nest with Cathy Lawdanski

The Retired Empty Nester, Cathay Lawdanski, joins us in candidly discussing the empty nest. Find out how she fills her time by focusing on serving, learning, and having fun! Doesn’t that sound amazing?

152. Four Powerful Questions Every Empty Nest Mom Should Ask to Find Purpose, part 1

Find your purpose by answering powerful questions. You’ll be required to look inside, up to God, and around you to find your purpose. Tune in for two amazing questions that will lead you to discover your purpose once your kids are grown.

150. Letting Go of Doubt: How Christian Moms Embrace Empty Nest Purpose, Part 1

It’s normal to experience doubt when you try to find your purpose once your kids are grown. Instead of feeling shame about doubt, bring into the light and talk to God about it. As you flex those faith muscles, doubt will be diminished.

Episode 148:  2024 Year in Review: Lessons, Highlights, and What’s Ahead for Christian Moms

Join me for a look back on some of our best episodes and guests.  Let’s reflect and see how far we’ve come and talk about what is coming for the new year on the Midlife Momma podcast.  I also have a special announcement impacting the podcast for 2025. You won’t believe what God has done!

 Episode 146. Holiday Grace: Loving Your Adult Child Through Faith Differences, Part 1

You’ll need an extra measure of grace when your child is home for the holidays, especially if they view God differently from you.

Pamela discusses important areas to extend grace when you and your child see God differently. Pamela talks about the grace to not pressure your child to conform to your views and the grace to manage your emotions well during the holidays.

Episode 144. How Christian Moms Create a Peace Holiday Season with Adult Kids, Part 2

What if you exchanged your holiday stress for a more peace filled mindset? Join Pamela as she shares two more mindsets that will help a mom have less stress surrounding the holidays. What if you worried less, and prayed more, then chose to hold your plans loosely?

Episode 142. Seven Ways to Pray for Your Adult Child

If you don’t pray for your adult child who will? Is prayer the antidote to your distress? What could it look like if you traded your worry for prayer? Join Pamela as she gets practical today with seven ways you can pray for your adult kids.

 Episode 140. Relying on God: Finding Peace in the Empty Nest Stage, Part 2

Have you learned to find peace now that your nest is empty? Our relationship with God provides endless comfort and grace as we learn to adjust to our empty nests. Join me for a conversation on how God comforts us in our loneliness and leads us to meaningful self-discovery.

Episode 138. Couples Reboot: Reconnecting When the Kids Are Gone, Part 2

What can you do to improve your connection with your spouse once the kids leave home? Join Pamela as she gives two more tips on reassessing values and understanding love requires action and sacrifice.

Episode 136: Empty Nest Transition: What to Expect When Your Kids Move Out, Part 2

Are you feeling a little leery about the empty nest? Join Pamela as she talks about what to expect when your nest empties. Let’s talk about reconnecting with your spouse and finding new rhythms.

Episode 134: How Shame Impacts Your Relationship with Your Adult Child with Dr Zoe Shaw

Shame may be the reason you can’t connect with your adult child.  Join me for an important conversation with Psychotherapist Dr Zoe Shaw. She explains complex shame and tells us how to get rid of it through self-forgiveness and self-compassion.

Episode 132: Ten Essentials for Navigating Tough Talks with Your Adult Child, Part 1

 You can't hope your difficult conversation goes well. This can lead to miscommunication and misunderstanding. You need a plan and some essentials to keep in mind when you need to have a hard conversation. Let’s talk about courage, timing, listening, mirroring back, and clarifying questions.

Episode 130: Why Hard Conversations with Your Adult Child Matter, Part 1

No mom wants to have difficult conversations with her child because we’re afraid we won’t know what to say or we’re nervous what our grown offspring will tell us. Instead of shrinking back from hard conversations, learn why they can improve your relationship with your adult child.

Episode 128: Uplifting Prayers for Moms with Struggling Adult Children, Part 1

Instead of rushing in to fix our adult child’s problems we can pray. Learn three prayers for when you need to lament, stop fixing your child’s problems, and release your expectations for how your adult child’s life should unfold.

Episode 126. Empowering Moms: Strategies for Supporting Your Struggling Adult Child, Part 2

What’s the best thing to do when your adult child is hurting? It’s important to understand your child’s journey is separate from yours. Knowing God is with them, as you cling to Him, will provide immeasurable peace when you’re worried.

Episode 124. The Art of Saying “No” in Midlife, Part 2

Let’s define pleasing people and learn to let go of other’s expectations. Learn to say “No” because you understand your capacity and say “NO” to the mindset, “I’m behind” because you’re not.

122. Unlocking Midlife Purpose: Expert Strategies for Christian Moms, Part 2

God’s not done with you once your kids are grown. He has a fresh purpose for you. We talk about two more strategies you need to discover your purpose. The first is to cultivate curiosity and the second is to fulfill long held dreams.

120. Top Ten Things Moms Should Know Before Launching Their Kids, Part 2

Launching goes well when we focus more on our kids and less on ourselves. We wrap the Top Ten Things Moms Should Know Before Launching Their Kids with the importance of finding community, releasing expectations, and leaning on God.

118. Launching Your Kids Well with Brenda Yoder, Author of Fledge

Every mom wants to launch their kids well, right? Join me for an insightful conversation with Brenda Yoder, author of Fledge: Launching Your Kids Without Losing Your Mind.  Brenda has launched four kids into the world and each time she learned something new. Learn her tried and true tips from her book, Fledge.

116. Embracing the Bittersweet with Your High School Senior, Part 1

Bittersweet is the perfect term to describe your child’s senior year. We find a model from Philippians 4:6-7 which helps you manage the emotional swings you may feel in this season of her motherhood.

114. The Art of Grace: Maintaining Harmony with Adult Children, Part 1

What mom doesn’t want to be in a harmonious relationship with her adult child? When you learn how to be gracious with your adult children, you will experience harmony. You need to understand your adult children are still learners just like you.

112. God’s Grace in Motherhood: Thriving Now, Part 2

Every mom needs God's grace to adjust to this fresh season of motherhood with adult children. Grace helps a mom relieve the pressures of life as she learns the unforced rhythms of grace that Jesus lived by. Tune to learn how grace helps us live like Jesus did and gives us courage to try new things.

110. A Mom’s Guide to Dealing with Parental Estrangement, Part 2

In parental estrangement mom needs to practice great self-care. Listen in as we focus on ways mom can care for herself well and lean into her connection with God to survive the heartache of parental estrangement.

108. A Story of Parental Estrangement with Author, Julie Plagens

Julie Plagens was estranged from her parents for seven years. Pamela invites, author of Estranged: Finding Hope When Your Family Falls Apart, Julie Plagens. She shares her journey of estrangement. What brought her to cut ties and the ways she found reconciliation with her parents. She also discussed how the estrangement impacts how she parents her adult children.

106.  Understanding Root Causes of Parental Estrangement, Part 1

In order to understand parental estrangement we have to realize the causes. There is nothing more heartbreaking than when a child cuts you out of their life. Parental estrangement is on the rise and today I’ll address three causes from Dr Joshua Coleman’s research on the topic.

Episode 104. How to Pivot in Your Empty Nest Marriage with Counselors, Chris & Jamie Bailey

In order for our marriages to survive our kids growing up, we must pivot. Christian Counselors & Marriage Coaches, Chris & Jamie Bailey, of Expedition Marriage, join me for a helpful discussion on how to pivot in your empty nest marriage. Learn how to get through the uncomfortable moments to embrace fun in your empty nest years of marriage.

Episode 102: Lasting Connection in Your Empty Nest: Expert Tips, Part 1

What do you do when you don’t know how to connect with your husband after the kids are gone? It’s normal to feel a little distressed when our nest first empties. We wonder how we will fill our time and how we can connect with our spouse in a meaningful way. Listen for simple tips you can try today that will help you and your husband feel closer.

Episode 100: The Do’s & Don’ts of Transitions with Adult Kids, featuring Pamela’s daughters, Rebekah & Keziah.

I invited my daughters to join me for a candid conversation about the Do’s and Don’ts of milestone transitions. How a mom shows up for college drop off, engagement/wedding season, new careers and young marriage matters. My daughters offer helpful tips so the mom can have a more positive outcome with her kids.

Episode 98: From Nostalgic to Now: Embrace the Present with Adult Kids, Part 2

Momma, you cannot live in the past because you'll miss the beauty of today with your adult kids. Instead of longing for the past, moms can learn to be present with their adult kids. There is so much good to behold as we use these three tips to help us stay present with our grown-up kids. Now is all we have! Let's be present!

Episode 96: Best of 2023, How to Reconnect When You Feel Distant

This was my most listened to episode in 2023! It’s normal to feel distant from your spouse after you’ve spent decades focusing on your children. Join us as we discuss practical ways to reconnect with your husband in this empty nest phase of marriage.


Episode 94: Best of 2023, Finding Your Better Purpose in the Empty Nest with Suzy Mighell.

We’re returning to our most listened to episodes of 2023. Join my conversation with Influencer and content creator for the popular brand, Empty Nest Blessed, Suzy Mighell. We had a delightful conversation about her tried and true formula which helps moms identify their purpose once their kids are grown. You’re going to love these tips.

Episode 92: Stress-Free Holidays with Grown-up Kids, Part 1

Learn some tried and true ways to reduce holiday stress with your grownup kids. Join me as I talk about how to focus less on the perfect holiday and more on making meaningful connections with your adult kids. I’ll also discuss the importance of understanding that every person’s opinion matters and will be considered in holiday planning.

Episode 90: Expert Tips for Managing Holiday Expectations with Adult Children, Part 1

One of the greatest transitions for moms of adult children is understanding the holidays will not remain the same as when our children were young. Join us as we talk about the gift of being adaptable and flexible along with understanding our children are not responsible for our happiness. Learn how managing our expectations creates the warm holiday we long for.

Episode 88: Four Great Reasons Moms Connect with God, Part 2

A strong connection with God is what moms need most in this season of motherhood. Learning to “let go” of our kids and cling to God is beneficial. Find our two more ways moms connect with God through growing confidence and multiplied peace.

Episode 86: Rewrite the Soundtrack About You & Your Kids

Are you mindful of the stories you tell yourself about motherhood? We often make incorrect assumptions about our kids based on the stories we tell ourselves. If they don’t call us, we tell ourselves, “they don’t love us.” This is not true.  TedX Speaker and conflict expert, Jenn Whitmer joins us to help us learn how to rewrite the stories we tell ourselves about our kids. Learn a four step process to rewrite the soundtrack and improve your connection with your kids.

Episode 84: This Is the Right Way to Set Strong Boundaries, Part 1

There are three things a mom must do to set boundaries. Find out the three steps needed to create a boundary and two guiding principles that will make setting boundaries more effective: Learn why you need a humble attitude, and a good level of self-awareness so you can understand your limits.

Episode 83: Four Spectacular Reasons Boundaries Are Valuable, Part 2

Most moms struggle with boundaries. Usually our adult kids overuse them and we feel a little inept at putting them in place. Before you can set a boundary you need to know why they’re necessary in healthy relationships. Learn two more reasons why boundaries are valuable with your adult child.

Episode 81: How to Navigate Boundaries with You Adult Child with LMFT, Heather Bjur

Boundaries are the limits we place within our relationships. They are designed to help you understand what you are responsible for and what you are not responsible for. Hear from Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Heather Bjur as she helps us navigate boundaries well with our adult children.

Episode 80: Do’s and Don’ts After Launching Your Child

It is no small feat launching your child into college, the military, or a job in a new city. Let’s talk about the do’s and don’t of launching your child so you can experience a more peaceful transition.

Episode 79. How to Manage Your Grief When Your Child Leaves, Part 2

Grief is a normal part of launching your child into the great big world. Knowing you can talk about your grief and allow your grief to cause you to move closer to God, will help it feel less heavy. Transitional grief won’t last forever.

Episode 77: Hope for Moms of Prodigals: The Power of Community

Moms feel alone when they have a prodigal. We don’t feel safe to talk about it in our churches, Bible Studies or prayer groups. We feel ashamed and judged. Join us for a conversation about why community is important and how it can provide healing when you love a wayward child.

Episode 75: How to Be Humble with Your Adult Children Part 2

It’s not easy to be humble with our adult kids, but it always leads to connection.Tune in to find out two more reasons why a heart posture of humility will reap great rewards  with our grown kids.

Episode 74: How to Be Humble with Your Adult Children, Part 1

Nobody likes to talk about how pride impacts relationships, but we must. Join me as we talk about how humility builds connection with our grown kids. We are fellow strugglers with them. Knowing that changes how we interact.

Episode 72: Why It’s Helpful to Respect Your Married Kids’ Boundaries, Part 2

Boundaries don’t have to be complicated. It takes a lot of courage for a young couple to decide on boundaries and bring them to their parents. Let’s be open-hearted and open-handed with our married children. This will improve our relationship.

Episode 70: How to Be the World’s Best Mother-in-law, Part 2

Being a mother-in-law is a pivotal familial relationship. It doesn’t have to be strained or difficult. We discuss two more things moms can do to foster a healthy relationship with their children’s spouses.


Episode 68: How Journaling Helps You Be a Better Mom with Jennifer Dukes Lee

A conversation with author, Jennifer Dukes Lee on her new journal, Stuff I'd Only Tell God. Author, Jennifer Dukes Lee joins us for a discussion on life with her two adult daughters and how journaling impacts this season of her motherhood. Get the inside scoop on how journaling can help you as a mom.

Episode 66: The Best Ways to Easily Stay Present with Your Senior, Part 1

Momma, when you look ahead to fall, it causes great sadness. You don’t want your baby to leave. 

 What if there was a way for you to stay present with your seniors? Let’s talk about ways to stay present so you can soak up all the goodness you have before your child leaves for college, the military or the workforce.

Episode 64: How to Survive Graduation Season, Part 1

There is no more stressful season for a mom than when she has a child who graduates high school. You’re not sure if you are more sad, exhausted, stressed or annoyed. Check out the podcast for a couple tips from a seasoned mom, on how to get through this busy season.

Episode 62: 4 Reasons God is Remarkably Faithful to You, Part 2

When we’re enmeshed in our adult child’s problems, we often forget the faithfulness of God.Join us as we talk about two more reasons God is remarkably faithful. We discuss how He’s intimately aware of what we need and He’s a God of restoration. This makes Him faithful.

Episode 60: Finding Your Better Purpose in the Awesome Empty Nest with Suzy Mighell

Join my conversation with Influencer and content creator for the popular brand, Empty Nest Blessed, Suzy Mighell. We had a delightful conversation about her tried and true formula which helps moms identify their purpose once their kids are grown. You’re going to love these tips.

Episode 58: Your Prodigal Needs to Be Loved, Part 1

The greatest gift we can give our prodigal is our love. Join us as we talk about two reasons prodigals need our love. We must realize it’s normal for our kids to wrestle with their faith and we must own our part in the relationship to experience restoration.

Episode 56: How to Hold onto Hope When Your Child Rejects God, Part 1

How can a mom hold unto hope when her adult child walks away from God? God is a hope infuser. Join us as we talk about the power of surrender and the practice of radical acceptance so a mom can have more peace- filled days, as her child wrestles his faith.

Episode 54: How to Dream with Your Husband, Part 1

Do you have big dreams for your midlife marriage once all the kids are grown? Listen for two reasons why it’s important to dream big with your husband.


Episode 52: How to Reconnect When You Feel Distant, Part 1

It’s normal to feel distant from your spouse after you’ve spent decades focusing on your children. Join us as we discuss practical ways to reconnect with your husband in this midlife phase of marriage.


Episode 50: Keys to Finding Your Purpose, Part 2

All it takes is managing your limiting beliefs and then you can move forward in your purpose. Join us as we discuss how to identify your limiting beliefs and how to manage them so you can walk in the purpose God has for you in this season.

Episode 48: Finding Purpose: You Are More Than a Mom, Part 2

Every mom faces the dilemma of what to do when her kids are grown. She often asks, “What is my purpose now?”Join us as we continue our discussion of five helpful mindsets to embrace in order to discover your purpose.


Episode 46: The Shame We Carry When Our Child is Far From God, Part 3

In our final discussion on the shame we feel when our child rejects God, we’ll talk about a lesson from Jesus.The parable of the lost sheep provides insights for how a mom can respond to her wayward child.

Episode 44: The Shame We Carry When Our Child Is Far From God, Part 1

Most moms feel ashamed when their child doesn’t believe in God anymore. Mom, you are not a failure. Join us as we talk about ways to step away from shame and trust God with your adult child.


Episode 42: How Gratitude Helps Us Release Holiday Expectations, Part 2

When our holiday plans change, that can be hard on moms. Join us as we talk about three more ways the art of practicing gratitude helps us release the expectations moms carry surrounding the holidays. When you apply these techniques you’ll bring peace to your family celebrations.

Episode 40: How to Release Holiday Expectations, Part 2

Expectations can cause harm to our grown kids. They cause stress in our families. Join us as we discuss three more ways to release expectations so the holidays can be more peaceful for everyone.

Episode 38: Four Reasons Why You Can Trust God, Part 2

We’re talking about reasons why God is trustworthy! Remember, God cannot lie. He keeps His promises and He does what He says He’s going to do. We can also trust Him because He promises to stay close to us. His presence brings us peace as moms.


Episode 36: Four Ways to Rely on God, Part 2

We’re not asked to go through this season of our motherhood alone. God calls us to rely on Him. Let’s talk about what it means to walk with God and how that will help you have more confidence in this season of motherhood.


Episode 34: Four Ways to Listen Effectively, Part 2

Being an effective listener will bring harmony to your relationship with your adult child. Join us as we discuss the power of observing nonverbal clues and how maintaining a Christ-like attitude will make us better listeners.

Episode 32: How You Can Agree to Disagree, Part 2

There will come a time when you will need to agree to disagree with your adult child because you value your relationship. Everything changes when we value our connection with our adult child over being right. Sometimes the key to peace is to agree to disagree.

Episode 30: 4 Ways Moms Find Peace After College Drop Off, Part 2

Mom, are you craving peace to return after you’ve dropped your child at college? An extra measure of grace is required as you adjust to this major transition in your motherhood. Listen to learn how to practice gratitude and focus on our needs. This will usher in peace.

Episode 28: What Every Mom Needs to Know After College Drop Off, Part 2

Momma, your child has left and the heartache remains. What do you do now? What can a mom do to navigate the largest shift in her motherhood? Join us as we talk about the value of friendship and the power of doing something you love in this season.

Episode 26: 4 Things To Do If You’re Serious About Respect, Part 2

Momma, what role does respect play in your relationship with your grownup child? If you are serious about respect, tune in as we learn the importance of grace and leading with love in your relationship with your adult child.


Episode 24: 4 Foolproof Ways To Supercharge Your Growth, Part 2

Momma, are you resistant to change or are you a willing adapter? If you are ready to grow and discover new mindsets to carry, then you will want to listen to this episode. You’ll discover two more things you can do to supercharge your growth!


Episode 22: 4 Powerful Reasons Why You Need To Be Empathetic, Part 2

Are you able to join your adult child in their pain? Empathy is a powerful tool. Listen to the podcast and find three statements you can use when your adult child is in pain. When we are empathetic this builds a bond with our grown child.


Episode 20: Ridiculously Awesome Ways To Communicate Support, Part 2

What’s the right thing to say to communicate support when your adult child struggles? As we move from guidance to support, we need to change the way we talk to our grown children.  Listen to find three phrases you can say to communicate support when your adult child endures pain.


Episode 18: 3 Ways To Stay Present With Your Emerging Adult

As our grown children launch into the world, we will be easily distracted and miss meaningful moments together.Let’s talk about three ways we can stay present and notice our emerging adults.  As their schedules get busier and they pull away from family how can we take advantage of the fleeting moments we have together?

Episode 16: 4 Ways To Conquer Your Fear of Releasing Your Emerging Adult, Part 1

Graduation is over and now we face the fears of letting our emerging adults go into the big world.  It is normal to be fearful of releasing our kids into their next phase of life after high school graduation. Let’s talk about some practical ways we can navigate these fears and have peace in this transition. Pamela discusses how the power of letting go fosters independence. As followers of Christ we are called to a life of surrender, and this includes our grown children.


Episode 14: Confessions of A Mom Whose Baby Will Graduate, Part 1

Join mom of five, Pamela Henkelman, as she shares her confessions about the season of high school graduation. There are a lot of feelings to sort out and new experiences for both mom and emerging adult.  Join us as Pamela shares three confessions: the tension between holding on and releasing, the  realization that our children are still becoming, and the wonder of what the future holds for mom.

Episode 12: 8 Awesome Bible Verses To Study About Communication

The Bible has a lot of wisdom to impart when it comes to how we communicate.Join us as we discover 8 verses and learn about the power of meditating on them so we can change the way we talk to our adult kids.



Episode 10: 4 Convincing Reasons You Need To Guard The Way You Talk To Your Adult Child, Part 1

No mom sets out to frustrate her adult child by the things she says to them, and yet she does. Join as we discuss the power of our words and how they impact our connection with our adult kids.  We talk about two reasons we need to guard what we say to our grown children.

Episode 8: Why You Need A New Way of Thinking To Release Expectations, Part 2

As Christ renews our mind, we have a new way of thinking about the expectations we carry for our adult children. We realize partnering with God through prayer will be the best way to renew our minds and release the expectations that are hurting our relationship with our adult children.

Episode 6: Strategies to Consider for Releasing Expectations, Part 2

 Let’s talk about three more strategies we can use to help us release the expectations we carry for our grown kids. In order to release expectations we need to look at our selfish behavior, accept the shift in our role as a mom, and partner with God through prayer to release the expectations.

Episode 4: Lessons On Love From A Father, Part 2

What can we glean from a familiar father/son relationship from the book of Luke? We continue to gather a few more lessons from a father who welcomes a wayward son home.  How did love sustain the father and in what ways did he show love to the son.  He is a great example for mommas to follow.

Episode 02: The Power of Love, Part 2

A look at 1 Corinthians 13:7 about how love never gives up, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance.  As Christian mommas, we are called to love our adult children, but there will be times when we want to quit or give up.  Let’s talk about the power of love to endure through any circumstance with our adult kids.


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159. How to Improve Communication in Your Empty Nest Marriage with Bob & Pamela Henkelman

You’re not the only one struggling to communicate in your marriage. Join Bob and Pamela Henkelman for a candid conversation about how they’ve struggled to communicate effectively in their marriage. They’ll share lessons they’ve learned and offer practical tools to strengthen communication with your spouse.

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157. Six Biblical Ways for Christian Empty Nest Couples to Strengthen Communication, Part 1

Let’s learn some practical tools to reconnect and strengthen our communication. Incorporate intentional conversations(how-to’s in the show notes), practice active listening, and embrace grace and forgiveness.

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155. Empty Nest Marriage: 7 Communication Barriers and Practical Ways to Heal, Part 1

Communication can feel complicated in an empty nest marriage.Before you can remedy your communication, you need to understand the barriers. Let’s discuss three things that hinder communication: unmet expectations, emotional distance, and unresolved conflict.

153. Four Powerful Questions Every Empty Nest Mom Should Ask to Find Purpose, part 2

Questions help you solve problems and take ownership because when you figure things out you’re more willing to act. Let's talk about two more questions that lead to you discovering your purpose in the empty nest. This time, you’ll look around and up to see where God is leading you!

151. Letting Go of Doubt: How Christian Moms Embrace Empty Nest Purpose, Part 2

When you’re overwhelmed with doubt about your empty nest purpose, do this! You must move forward in spite of your fears and welcome the feeling of being uncomfortable for a little bit. On the other side of doubt and feeling uncomfortable is your fresh purpose.

149. The Most Listened to Episode of 2024: Do’s & Don’t of Transitions with Adult Kids, featuring Pamela’s Daughters

Join me for the most popular episode of 2024! I had an insightful conversation with my youngest daughter’s Rebekah and Keziah. We covered the monumental transitions of college drop-off, wedding planning, young careers and early marriage. Enjoy the candor and wisdom from my daughters.

Episode 147. Holiday Grace: Loving Your Adult Child Through Faith Differences, Part 2

What do you do if your child returns for the holidays and says he doesn’t believe in God anymore? Navigating faith differences feels scary for moms, but if you lead with grace you can have some amazing conversations. Let’s talk about the grace to listen to your adult child’s perspective and the grace of loving your child unconditionally.

Episode 145: Emotional Confidence for Moms: Navigating Holiday Stress with author, Alicia Michelle

Knowing how to manage the emotions surrounding your adult children and the holidays takes practice. Pamela invites Alicia Michelle, author of Emotional Confidence to the show to teach us her proven template, which combines brain science and biblical principles so you can manage your emotions well.

Episode 143. How Christian Moms Can Create a Peaceful Holiday Season with Adult Kids, Part 1

The holidays are stressful especially concerning your adult kids. Pamela presents two mindsets that will help you experience more peace. Let’s talk about how you’re not responsible to make everyone happy and your happiness isn’t dependent on your child’s actions.

Episode 141. Desperate Prayers for Your Adult Child with author, Rachel Wojo

Join me for an important discussion about desperate prayers with author of Desperate Prayers: Embracing the Power of Praying in Life’s Darkest Moments, Rachel Wojo. Let’s talk about why your prayers matter and get practical on how to specifically pray for your adult child. We’ll talk about the power of three word prayers and how to pray scripture over your offspring.

 Episode 139. Relying on God: Finding Peace in the Empty Nest Stage, Part 1

Are you in need of a little reassurance from God in the empty nest stage of motherhood? Join Pamela as she talks about what it means to let go of your child and cling to God. When you do this you'll find spiritual fulfillment  and maintain healthy boundaries so you understand your children are not responsible for your happiness.

Episode 137. Couples Reboot: Reconnecting When the Kids Are Gone, Part 1

How satisfied are you in your empty nest marriage? If satisfaction is low, let’s talk about how to have a conversation if you need professional help and the power of reminiscing about the early days of your love.

Episode 135: Empty Nest Transition: What to Expect When Your Kids Move Out, Part 1

Your baby has left the nest and now you return to an eerily quiet home. What can you expect when your kids move out? Starting the empty nest is a milestone in most couples' marriages. When you know what to expect, you can handle the changes in a healthy way.

Episode 133: Ten Essentials for Navigating Tough Talks with Your Adult Child, Part 2

When you utilize these essential tips you will remain connected to your adult child after a difficult conversation.

Join me for tips 6-10: Let’s talk about not giving advice, not criticizing, sharing your perspective, communicating love, and the best way to close this challenging conversation.

Episode 131: Why Hard Conversations with Your Adult Child Matter, Part 2

Flip the script on hard conversations when you realize they can strengthen your relationship with your adult child. Learn why it’s good to be open to learn and grow because, as a mom, you don’t know everything and why these difficult conversations help you know how to pray.

Episode 129: Uplifting Prayers for Moms with Struggling Adult Children, Part 2

Prayer is the surest way to have an impact on your adult child struggles. Find four prayers for when you need acceptance, to trust God, to gain strength, and your struggling child to seek God.

Episode 127. Support for Moms of Adults with Depression & Anxiety, with Heather Bjur, Licensed Therapist

Let's get some professional advice on how to support your adult child who struggles with depression or anxiety. Licensed therapist, Heather Bjur, offers some language to use that will be helpful if you have a child who struggles with depression or anxiety. We talk about what not to do, and tips on how to support your adult child well.

Episode 125. Empowering Moms: Strategies for Supporting Your Struggling Adult Child, Part 1

Let’s face it, when our kids hurt, we hurt too. As you support your child, through their struggles, you need strategies as you learn to strike a balance between offering assistance and allowing independence.

 Episode 123. The Art of Saying” No” in Midlife, Part 1

Midlife is the perfect time to get comfortable saying “no.” We’re learning to say “no” to others and to ourselves, to the things that no longer serve us. Listen in for tips on how to say “no” to your inner critic and chasing the “fountain of youth.”

121. Unlocking Midlife Purpose: Expert Strategies for Christian Moms, Part 1

It’s common to struggle finding your purpose once your kids are grown. I share how I discovered mine. This can be a frustrating journey when you’ve spent years focused on your children. Learn how to lean in and follow God’s nudge for what’s next. Let’s talk about managing your mindset and celebrating your freedom.

119. Top Ten Things Moms Should Know Before Launching Their Kids, Part 1

Launching our kids is both exhilarating and scary! Join me for the first part of my Top Ten List for moms launching kids. Learn what you can do to make the transition smoother for your child, while caring well for yourself.

117. Embracing the Bittersweet with Your High School Senior, Part 2

Conflicting emotions are a normal part of this season of motherhood. Let’s talk about how you’ll vacillate between sorrow and joy, regret and pride, longing for the past versus hope for the future, and doubting God and holding fast to your faith. These swings are part of the process.

115. The Art of Grace: Maintaining Harmony with Adult Children, Part 2

Grace is the means by which you have a harmonious relationship with your child. Learn how grace allows you to not judge your adult child for their decisions and stop rescuing them from their challenging circumstances.

113. Grace for the Empty Nest Mom with Jill McCormick, host of the Grace in Real Life Podcast

Jill McCormick, host of the Grace in Real Life Podcast, knows a thing or two about grace because she struggled with accepting God’s grace most of her life. Listen in as Jill shares her personal story of getting free from being the Try-Hard Girl, to being a woman who rests in the kindness, goodness, and generosity of God. She’ll teach you how to experience God’s grace too.

111. God’s Grace in Motherhood: Thriving Now, Part 1

We know God’s grace is important but how does it help us with motherhood? Listen in to learn how grace means both undeserved favor + empowerment to make good choices and how this impacts your relationship with yourself and your grownup kids.

109. A Mom’s Guide to Dealing with Parental Estrangement, Part 1

Mom needs to balance compassion for herself and her adult child when they are estranged. Join us as we talk about the great amount of compassion, humility, tenderness, and trusting God required to navigate parental estrangement. Learn how pride impacts your strained relationship and how to write a letter of amend

107.  Understanding Root Causes of Parental Estrangement, Part 2

Adult children will cut off relationships with their parents because it’s easier to slip away than deal with the stress in the relationship. Join Pamela as she continues to explain three more root causes of parental estrangement according to psychologist, Dr. Joshua Coleman, author of Rules of Estrangement.

Episode 105. Empty Nest: Full Love - Q & A with Bob & Pamela Henkelman

We answer your most asked questions about empty nest marriage. My husband, Bob, joins me today as we answer your most pressing questions about empty nest marriage. I polled my audience and asked them: What do you struggle most with in your empty nest marriage? Tune in for our helpful answers.

Episode 103: Lasting Connection in Your Empty Nest: Expert Tips, Part 2

Many couples struggle to connect after their nest empties. You’re not alone, but it’s not impossible to overcome. It takes a huge dose of tenderness and intentionality as you learn new ways to be together. I give you two more powerful tips to help you connect.

Episode 101: How Staying Present Helps You Worry Less

What do you do when you get stuck worrying about worst case scenarios with your kids? Do you ever fall into the trap of catastrophizing in your mind? You're sure something horrible is going to happen to your child, but then you realize, “Wait, I’ve only imagined that.” Staying present is the remedy for worry! Let’s talk about the pitfalls of worry and the reminder to stay present with God.

Episode 99: Staying Present in the Empty Nest with Author, Julie LeFebure

Isn’t it hard to focus with the endless distractions in our lives? How do we make sense of it all so we can be present with our adult children and our spouse in the empty nest? Author and friend, Julie Lefebure joins us to discuss the principles of her new book and study guide, Right Now Matters.  I gobbled up this book like a juicy burger. I saw myself in its pages and relished her helpful tips. I pray they encourage you too.

 Episode 97: From Nostalgic to Now: Embrace the Present with Adult Kids, Part 1

Every mom longs for the past, but there are pitfalls to nostalgia. Did you know regret is often tied to the past? Let’s learn how to embrace the present with our adult kids as we address three pitfalls of living in the past.

Episode 95: Best of 2023, Remarkably Better Ways to Help Your Hurting Adult Child with Jill Savage.

We’re returning to our most listened to episodes of 2023. Jill Savage, author of Empty Nest, Full Life, joins us as we talk about how to help our hurting grown children. Let’s face it, our adult children will struggle. Let’s talk about what it means to lovingly detach, not make our children idols, and to practice the grace of growth. You’re going to love this conversation.

Episode 93: Stress-Free Holidays with Grownup Kids, Part 2

If we’re honest, the holidays are stressful. Let’s talk about how having a family plan for holiday meal prep and cooking and learning how to be unoffendable can remove some of the holiday stress with our adult children.

Episode 91: Expert Tips for Managing Holiday Expectations with Adult Children, Part 2

Once a mom learns how to be flexible and adaptable she’ll be able to let go of her holiday expectations with her adult children. Join me as I talk about how to have open communication with your kids. Mom still has a voice but she needs to choose what matters most and let the rest go in order to have a more peaceful holiday season.

Episode 89: A Conversation about Holiday Expectations with Adult Children with Cortney Farmer, host of The Soft Never

One of the most challenging seasons to navigate for a mom with adult children is the holiday season. Moms yearn for simpler days when all the kids were home and traditions were carried out with ease. But times have changed, and our ability to be flexible and adapt will have lasting, positive impact on our families. Join us for a most honest conversation on the topic.

Episode 87: Four Great Ways for Moms to Connect with God, Part 1

“I often hear moms say, ‘I need God now more than ever before. It was so much easier when my kids were young.’”- Life Coach, Pamela Henkelman. Our connection with God matters now more than ever before. As we learn to “let go” of our adult children, God invites us to cling to Him. Learn a couple ways moms can connect with God and how that helps her in this phase of motherhood.

Episode 85: This Is the Right Way to Set Strong Boundaries, Part 2

Never start a conversation with “This is my boundary___________.” Instead you want to say, “I need you to_______________.” Learn the guiding principles so you can set effective boundaries with your adult kids.

Episode 82: Four Spectacular Reasons Boundaries Are Valuable, Part 1

Before we can set boundaries with our adult kids, we have to understand why they are needed. Let’s talk about two reasons boundaries are valuable. They help you “let go” and boundaries help your adult children mature.

Episode 78: How to Manage Your Grief When Your Child Leaves, Part 1

Whether you're launching a child to college, the military or the workforce, you will experience grief. Knowing how to manage your grief well will help you handle this monumental shift in your motherhood. Join us for tips on how to grieve well.

Episode 76: How to Successfully Launch Your Kids to College with Bethany Kimsey

What to do if you're launching a child to college. Launching a child off to college is a monumental feat for a mom.  Join me for a conversation with Coach for Moms, Bethany Kimsey.  She has eight kids and helps moms find peace in the messy middle of motherhood. You will love her sage advice on how to launch a college student well. She will encourage moms to deal with their hearts as they learn to cling to God.

Episode 73: How to Parent Your Wayward Kids with Joy with Mary DeMuth

Having your adult child reject God is a heartache no momma wants to endure. Join me for a frank discussion with national speaker and prolific author of Love, Pray, Listen: Parenting Your Wayward Kids with Joy, Mary DeMuth. We are so much more than our child’s choices. Learn to love your wayward child and find healing for your wounded heart.

Episode 71: Why It’s Helpful to Respect Your Married Kids’ Boundaries, Part 1

There is a biblical mandate talked about in most marriage ceremonies that requires a man to separate from his parents and cling to his wife. Join us for a conversation about the first boundary with our married children and how respect plays a huge role in honoring boundaries.

Episode 69: How to Be the World’s Best Mother-in-law, Part 1

Mother-in-laws get a bad rap in our culture. I don’t believe it has to be this way. Learn great tips on how you can foster a positive relationship with your child’s spouse instead of being seen as an adversary. You will love these tips.

Episode 67: The Best Ways to Easily Stay Present with Your Senior, Part 2

Goodness, it is hard to stay present when the fall is looming ahead of you. We don’t want to let go, do we? What if you practiced mindfulness and focused on the beauty of the time you do have with your child still at home. We’ll learn to let go in the fall, but the summer is for embracing your child now.

Episode 65: How to Survive Graduation Season, Part 2

Moms are barely hanging on when graduation season hits. There’s just too much on the calendar, too much to do, and too much stress!  Listen to the podcast for two more tips that will help a busy mom survive this crazy season!


Episode 63: Surprisingly Better Ways to Help Your Struggling Adult Child

Join me for a conversation with Jill Savage, author of Empty Nest: Full Life, as we discuss ways to support your struggling adult child. Let’s face it, our adult children will struggle. Let’s talk about what it means to lovingly detach, not make our children idols, and to practice the grace of growth. You’re going to love this conversation.


Episode 61: 4 Reasons God is Remarkably Faithful to You, Part 1

Moms of adult kids often struggle with trusting God with their grown offspring.Join us for a conversation on why trusting God in this season will bring you the peace you desperately long for.

Episode 59: Your Prodigal Needs to Be Loved, Part 2

More than correction, your prodigal needs to be loved. Join us as we discuss two more reasons why your prodigal needs to be loved. Let’s learn how empathy is love in action and how our love is an opportunity for our prodigals to see God.



Episode 57: How to Hold unto Hope When Your Child Rejects God, Part 2

A mom needs hope when her child walks away from God. Instead of feeling like a failure, learn how being honest with God and staying tethered to Him will help you feel hopeful as you wait for your prodigal to return.

Episode 55: How to Dream with Your Husband, Part 2

Have you learned how to dream with your husband in the empty nest season of marriage? Listen to how dreaming will help you have a clear vision of what to do next and move you and your mate past survival mode, so you can thrive in your marriage.


Episode 53: How to Reconnect When You Feel Distant, Part 2

What do you do when you feel distant from your hubby after the kids are grown?Join us as we talk about the fun of sharing common interests and the power of having boundaries with your adult kids.

Episode 51: 4 Healthy Ways to Handle Conflict in Your Marriage

We will experience conflict in our midlife marriages. That’s a given, but how you handle it matters.Tune in and learn four principles that will help you handle conflict in a healthy manner so you can enjoy your midlife marriage.

Episode 49: Keys to Finding Your Purpose, Part 1

How do you find your purpose once your kids are grown?Join Midlife Mindset Coach for Moms, Pamela Henkelman as we discuss two keys to finding your purpose. Let’s talk about what it means to be curious.


Episode 47: Finding Purpose: You Are More Than a Mom, Part 1

We all face these questions: “What do I do now that my kids are grown? What is my purpose? It can feel unsettling, but this can be a great season of self-discovery as you step into your dreams. Join us as we discuss five healthy mindsets to have during this time of your motherhood.

Episode 45: The Shame We Carry When Our Child is Far From God, Part 2

Moms struggle with shame when their adult children reject their faith. Join us for a discussion of how expectations and outcomes contribute to the shame.  Find out how to release this shame.

Episode 43: How Moms Manage Expectations with College Students

We’re finishing off our discussions on the expectations we carry with our adult kids. When we realize our college students are going to change, accept them choosing time with friends over us, and appreciate our listening ears, we’ll experience a more connected relationship with our college students.


Episode 41: How Gratitude Helps Us Release Holiday Expectations, Part 1

Holiday expectations can make our holiday season miserable. Learn how a simple gratitude practice will help you release those expectations so you can experience a more peaceful holiday season.

Episode 39: How to Release Holiday Expectations, Part 1

As moms we often make assumptions about how the holidays will look for our families and this can cause unneeded stress. Let’s learn some tips to help you release these expectations so the holidays are jolly for everyone.


Episode 37: Four Reasons Why You Can Trust God, Part 1

In order to understand why God is trustworthy, we study His character and what the Word says about who He is. 

Let's talk about the many ways God helps you and how He is faithful when you are not.


Episode 35: 4 Ways to Rely on God, Part 1

Relying on God is a pivotal skill in this season of motherhood. We’ll take a look at Matthew 11 to see the lessons we can learn from Jesus on how to rely on Him. The ability to rely on God will give a mom more peace in the volatile season of her motherhood.

Episode 33: Four Ways to Listen Effectively, Part 1

One of the best ways to improve our relationship with our grown children is to practice effective listening.Let’s admit it, most of us are distracted or have an agenda when we come to a conversation with our adult child. Let’s talk about how the power of focus and setting your agenda aside will help us be effective listener

Episode 31: How You Can Agree to Disagree, Part 1

What if every conversation didn’t have a winner and a loser? What could it look like if moms leaned into listening well instead of trying to correct their adult children? Join us as we learn a few principles that will help us to agree to disagree on certain topics.

Episode 29: 4 Ways Moms Find Peace After College Drop Off, Part 1

It’s normal to feel unsettled after you drop your child at college. How can a mom find peace? This is the largest transition you will make in your motherhood. As you lean into your identity in Christ and find a friend to talk to, you’ll find more peace.


Episode 27: What Every Mom Needs to Know After College Drop Off, Part 1

Momma, what do you do now that the college drop off is over?First of all you have permission to grieve. Join us for a conversation about grieving when your child leaves for college. This is the largest transition you will go through in your motherhood. Listen in and find out how to survive it.

Episode 25: 4 Things To Do If You’re Serious About Respect, Part 1

Momma, do you know the value of respect in your relationship with your adult child? If you’re ready to practice radical respect as a way to improve your connection with your adult child then tune it. Respect is the key for a healthy bond with our grownup children.

Episode 23: 4 Foolproof Ways to Supercharge Your Growth, Part 1

Momma, this is a season of growth! As we learn to release our adult children, there will be serious growth required for both you and your grown child. Join us as we discuss what is required to experience exceptional growth so you can adapt to your new role.


Episode 21: 4 Powerful Reason Why You Need To Be Empathetic, Part 1

How empathetic are you with your adult children?There was a time when I wasn’t an empathetic mom. I offered solutions and encouragement instead of feeling with my child. I didn’t validate their feelings and it hurt our connection. Join us as we discuss two powerful reasons why you need to be empathetic with your adult child when they hurt.


Episode 19: Ridiculously Awesome Ways To Communicate Support, Part 1

What’s the right thing to say that communicates support to our adult children? We know we move from a directing role to a more supportive role, but what’s the right thing to say when our grown children are struggling?  Instead of the need to rescue, fix, solve, or carry our children's problems, we can offer an encouraging statement of support.

Episode 17: 4 Ways To Conquer Your Fear of Releasing Your Emerging Adult, Part 2

How does a midlife mom manage her fear of letting go of her emerging adult?Most moms face this season when their kids head off to college, the military, or join the workforce. What does it look like to navigate her fears for the future? Pamela talks about two more ways to manage those fears of letting go.

Episode 15: Confessions of A Mom Whose Baby Will Graduate, Part 2

Join mom of five, Pamela Henkelman as she shares her confessions surrounding her kids' high school graduations.  Life is about to change dramatically for both mom and her emerging adult.  Pamela shares two more confessions: a mom will face the fears she carries in this unfamiliar phase of parenthood and she talks about how each child must learn to make their faith their own.



Episode 13: The Power of The Pause: Breath Prayer

What if we paused in a moment of frustration instead of saying something that could hurt our adult child? Words are powerful. Once they are spoken, we can’t take them back.  But we can learn to pause and utilize Breath Prayer.  We breathe in Jesus and exhale a truth about our words.  It’s a powerful tool to use as we communicate with our adult children.

Episode 11: 4 Convincing Reasons You Need To Guard The Way You Talk To Your Adult Children, Part 2

No mom sets out to frustrate her adult child by the way she speaks to him, and yet she does. We become careless in the moment, and harmful words are spoken. Let’s talk about two more reasons we need to guard the way we talk to our grown children.  We will discuss how our words build up or tear down and how we must be responsible to tame our tongue.

Episode 9: 4 Ways To Release Expectations With God’s Help, Through His Word

Ask yourself four simple questions when you are ready to release an expectation you carry for your grown childPractice this four step process to release expectations.  You’ll need a Bible, a notebook, and a willing heart. You can have a breakthrough today.


Episode 7: Why You Need A New Way of Thinking to Release Expectations, Part 1

Let’s talk about how our thinking affects our expectations.To release our expectations of our adult children we need to change the way we think about our role as their mother.  There needs to be a shift in order to have a strong bond with our kids.

Episode 5: Strategies to Consider for Releasing Expectations, Part

We need a plan if we’re going to learn how to let go of the expectations we carry for our adult children. In the Big Book of Recovery it says, “Expectations are premeditated resentments.”  Carrying expectations for our adult kids destroys our connection.  Let’s talk about  ways to learn how to manage our assumptions so we can improve our relationship with our grown kids.

Episode 03: Lessons On Love From A Father: Part 1

A look at a familiar story of a father and son from Luke 15:11-28 This father models love well and we can learn from him. As Christian moms we sometimes wrestle with how to love our wayward kids.  Instead of being filled with resentment and frustration, this father models surrender and expectancy.  Listen in to see how he did it.


Episode 01: The Power of Love, Part 1

A look at 1 Peter 4:8 and how we are to show deep love to our adult kids.

As Christians we are called to love.  What does that look like with our adult kids, especially if we don't agree with their choices? How can we love our adult kids well? Do they feel loved or judged by you?


Stop Frustrating Your Grown Kids!!

A list of ten real things moms say that frustrate their adult children and five way to stop yourself from saying them. Who’s ready for a better connection with your adult child?