2021 Wives of Integrity Online Conference

2021 Wives of Integrity Online Conference

Hey, lovely wives! I have a question for you! Did you ever think your husband should just know what you need?

I held this erroneous belief for a long time. I used to think, “well, he’s with me all the time. Why can’t he just see what I need? Does he even know me? Is he even paying attention?”

I’d feel unloved and unknown when he couldn’t figure out what I needed. Perhaps I watched too many romantic films, but, girlfriends, this is not real life! My inability to tell my husband what I needed and assumptions I made about him, only hurt our marriage.

I apologized to him long ago for my errant thinking. Women, our husbands are not mind readers nor can they possibly understand the complexities of our emotions, thoughts and feelings. If we need something from them we’re going to need to be brave, risk vulnerability, and then have an honest conversation.

I know, I know, it feels scary, but I promise you, vulnerability is the gateway to connection!!

I’m amazed by the relief that washes over my husband's face, when I articulate what I need. He willingly wants to help me. Our guys are good. They want to serve us.

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