Trusting God Series: Trust Grows With Time

Trusting God Series: Trust Grows With Time

“But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love forever and ever.”-Psalm 52:8

This is the last post in our series about trusting God. Aren’t we funny when it comes to trusting God? We berate ourselves when we don’t, we compare and say horrible things, like “why can’t I just trust Him, I’m the worst Christian ever.” We give up or throw fits at God like an unsettled toddler. Why can’t we just offer ourselves some grace with our frail humanity? Why can’t we be patient with the process?

Trust Requires Patience

I was reading Hebrews this week and these words spoke so powerfully to my spirit. “And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.”-Hebrews 6:15 If you’re familiar with the story, Abraham was waiting for a son. He waited and finally in his old age he received what was promised. So basically waiting patiently= waiting a lifetime. It’s a bit of a shocker, isn’t it?

I am kind of patient compared to, let’s say, my husband. He’s not patient at all, but compared to my daughter-in-law, she has amazing patience. I marvel at her as she parents our grandsons. Our oldest grandson is brilliant and strong-willed, but she is so gentle and patient with him. She stays calm while he carries on with lots of drama. She’s basically a saint.

God is interested in growing our character, which includes growing our trust in Him. He is abundantly patient with the process as we grope and struggle to find our barrings.

I remember my initial act of trust when I first met God in college. I was not so patiently waiting to have a boyfriend as I was twenty years old and had dated one not-so-great-guy in college and one boy in high school. In college I was introduced to a guy older than me. He was a banker with a great car. We went on a few dates, but I quickly discovered we were not in the same place spiritually and I really wanted to date someone who loved God. I cried and prayed in my dorm room, because what girl doesn’t want to be loved? I was struggling with being single and not really wanting to let this guy go. But I did, and a month later I started dating my husband.

Had I not obeyed and trusted God’s plan for my life, everything could have been different. But with childlike faith, I let the one relationship go, so God could bring my husband into my life. It was my first test in trusting Him, and 33 years later, I can say I’m so glad I trusted God’s plan.

Trust Grows

I’ve had a million times to learn to trust God. Sometimes it’s easy and others it’s hard for me to let go and trust. Trust is something that grows with time. We don’t come to know Jesus, and then trust Him immediately. Like any earthly relationship, trust grows as you get to know the person. We have to practice trust, and for some of us who’ve had trust repeatedly broken in our earthly relationships, it can be difficult.

The more you spend time with God, the more you’ll trust Him. Be diligent to discover His character as revealed through His Word. When He says we can trust Him, it’s OK to abandon our fears to him and hold on to His love.

Start with little things and as you see God’s faithfulness, you’ll be able to trust Him for more. God will never change, He’ll remain trustworthy forever. Don’t imagine that free fall game where you let go and your friend will catch you and sometimes they don’t. God won’t let go because He can’t let go. He holds us always. The circumstances of our life may feel out of control, but the truth is God is holding us in the middle of the chaos and that makes Him trustworthy.

Dear God, I thank you that you are patient with me. Just like all relationships, my trust in You will grow as I spend time with You and become familiar with your Word. Thank you for the examples you left us in scripture of people who chose to put their trust in You. I want to be like them. I thank you for being gracious with me as I take steps to trust You and as I learn your character from the Word. Help me to find You trustworthy too.

Are you still struggling?

Maybe this will help?

If you’re having trouble trusting God, maybe this free guide will help you sort through the reasons and give you some steps to to have courage to trust God. Just click on the image and leave your name and email so I know where to send it.

Thank you for joining me for this series on trusting God. Be patient with yourself as God surely is. Ask Him to reveal His character so you can find Him trustworthy.

Next month we will be talking about Attitude Adjustment. This summer I’ll be doing a series on Refining and I’ve asked my fellow Hope*Writers to share their Refining Stories. I know you’re gonna love it.