Pamela Henkelman | Empty Nest Coach

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Abiding With God Leads to Rest

“I am the vine; you are the branches.  Those who remain in me and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” -John 15:5 NLT


Elizabeth rises early to spend time with God.  She can’t miss a day on her YouVersion devotional reading. She knows what a faithful Christian woman is supposed to do and checks all the boxes so she can feel approved.  She is driven to serve at her church and jumps at the chance to volunteer in Kid’s Church, help set up communion, lead a Women’s Bible Study, and join the outreach team to do yard work for widows.  

She’s always going over the mental checklist in her head to see if she measures up.  Is God pleased with her?  Has she given enough?  Has she served enough? She wonders if she’ll ever be able to hear God say, “well done good and faithful servant,” because on the inside she feels anything but good.

She fought with her husband on the way to church.  She yelled at her kids, and even cursed because she’s tired.  She can’t keep up with all their activities. The driving them here and there, the endless laundry, the messes around the house. The kids have too many toys.  Now it’s time to go through all the clothing to get ready for the next season.  But there’s no time!!

She feels the pressure to look good, have a beautiful home, and charming children, and a devoted marriage.  Another recipe flops and she’s ready to delete her Pinterest app because is any of it even real?

Pressure, coupled with exhaustion and feeling empty, keep her fleeing from God.  Her life feels empty, and she’s not sure how to find her way back to God. Her endless striving gets her nowhere.

Abide More Strive Less

We mistakenly assume God only loves us because of how we perform, so we focus on the things we can control and produce.  If we’re performing at peak capacity we feel loved and valued, even esteemed by God.  But at the core of who we are, we feel we aren’t enough in and of ourselves. 

We find ourselves lacking, insecure, overwhelmed, less then. So we push hard to control the outside, never addressing the longing inside to be known by our benevolent God.  This endless chasing after projects, outcomes, and perfection leaves us weary.  There’s only so much energy we have and when we pour it into outcomes, we don’t make time to address our heart cries.  

We just want to be loved, accepted, and held by God. 

The solution to endless performance is abiding. It’s our connection with God that strengthens us.  He is the source of all life and apart from Him we are nothing.   When we set aside performance for union, we are filled.  The Holy Spirit satisfies the empty places with His grace and then we serve from a place of approval, not to receive it.  God already approves of us and He proved it by sacrificing His son for us.  There’s nothing we can add to the equation.  No service, no pious offering, no endless striving will gain God’s love.

God knows our performance is a byproduct of heartache and longing to be loved.  He bids us come, so He can tell us how much He adores us.  He wants to lavish His compassion upon our aching soul. But first, we need to stop, and draw near!

The more time we spend in God’s presence the less we’ll be driven to perform because connection with God is about ease.  Our union is the opposite of performance.  It’s about opening our hearts to the abundance of God and the revelation we are known, seen and loved, even if we sit still for the rest of our days. 

Our performance has zero impact on God’s love for us.  Let me say it again.  Our performance has zero impact on God’s love for us. 

So the next time our minds tell us to work harder, remember the invitation of God is to come closer and rest. Draw near and let God’s love soothe us in the deepest place, and we’ll not feel weary anymore.

Let’s pray.

Dear Papa, I bring my weary heart, mind and body to You today, knowing that being with You is so much more important and doing things for You.  I want to release my striving and learn to rest in Your abundant love.  Remind me of all You’ve done for me through Jesus.  There’s not one thing I can add.  Show me the glory of rest in You. Amen.


As a gift for you, I have a free five-day devotional for those who want to learn to reconnect with God.  Draw Near Beloved: Five Encouragements to Increase Your Intimacy With God will land in your inbox.  Just leave your name and email so I know where to send it.

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