Solitude and Longing for God

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“Be still and know that I am God.” -Psalm 46:10

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Another way to draw closer to God is by practicing solitude.  Trust me, I understand the apprehension you feel when the word is mentioned.  We’re bombarded with all these questions.

What if I can’t focus?

What do I say?

What if I can’t hear God’s voice?

What if I’m afraid to be that vulnerable with God?

The Solitude Exercise

I’m at a retreat, and I know the time is coming up because the agenda says “solitude.”  I’m a little nervous and feel apprehensive. By nature, I’m a doer and energized by being with people, so the thought of solitude feels unfamiliar. My mind races with questions. What do I do with solitude? What if I can’t focus? What if I do this wrong?  

Why am I so worried about my performance? It’s something I have worked on for years: this lie that I have to do things right.

What is the reason for this apprehension? Am I afraid to face my soul?  Have I ignored it too long?  Will I be overwhelmed by what I find buried deep? How do I feel about being with God, just the two of us, with no agenda except connection?

The solitude session time arrives, and we’re instructed to go find a quiet place. I find a comfy chair and look out the window. I’m enthralled by the beauty in nature. The calm lake, the gentle breeze ruffling the leaves. It feels peaceful. There’s no music, no instruction, just the pull of my soul longing to connect with God.

I take a deep breath and settle myself. I feel the tension drain from my body, and I enjoy the peace. I whisper a simple prayer. “God, I just want to be with You. I have no agenda, prayer request, or desire, except to be in Your presence.”

The first thing Papa says is, “I’m so glad you’re here. I love spending time with you.”  A lump forms in my throat, and I’m caught off guard by God’s expression of love. I shouldn’t be surprised. He delights in me and longs to sing over me. I take it all in, and I’m struck by the peace surrounding me. It’s so easy. I’m thankful for the opportunity to be with Papa. 

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“The longing for solitude is the longing for God. It is the longing to experience union with God unmediated by the ways we typically try to relate to God. By “unmediated” I mean a direct experience of God with nothing in between: an encounter with God that is not mediated by words, by theological constructs, by religious activity, by my own or other’s manipulations of my relationship with God. It is the practice that spiritual  seekers down through the ages have used to experience intimacy with God rather than just talking about it.”- Ruth Haley Barton, Sacred Rhythms

Solitude is a place. It’s a place where you and God meet, where your soul comes out and meets with God’s soul. It’s simple, unfettered, and honest. It’s the place where longing is fulfilled. 

We were designed for this kind of connection with God — we just haven’t been trained how to do it. We believe our activity for God is the best way to connect.  We believe our service for Him will help us stand secure before Him when truly all God longs for is your soul.

He wants to meet you at the place where you hide your fears, doubts, and desires. It’s the true place where you’re really you, and God likes you.  He loves you, and He’s not afraid of your honest self. He already knows everything you think, say, and do, yet He has limitless, unconditional love for you.  

Here’s a simple practice from Sacred Rhythms:

  • Choose a place that feels comfortable and safe to you — a place that allows you to be open and available to God-your favorite chair, your backyard, a nearby quiet chapel.

  • Settle into a comfortable position in your body and sit quiet for a couple minutes, breathe deeply becoming aware of God’s presence with you and your desire to be present with God. 

  • Sit quietly at the base of the tree that is your life and begin to notice what is true about you these days. Don’t rush or try to make anything happen. Let your soul venture out and say something to you that perhaps you’ve had a hard time acknowledging. Is there a particular joy you’re celebrating? A loss you are grieving? Are there tears that have been waiting to be shed? A question that is stirring? An emotion that needs expression?

  • Sit with what comes into your awareness, becoming conscious of God’s presence with you in that awareness.

  • Don’t try to do anything with what you are knowing except to be with it. (In other words, don’t scare it away.)

  • Practice the way of entering solitude regularly until it becomes routine for you. Be quiet, let your soul come and rest in God’s presence.

It’s common to feel apprehensive about solitude, but once you learn the practice, you will long for it each day.  You’ll be met with God’s overwhelming love and acceptance.

Dear Papa, Help me not be afraid of solitude.  Help me overcome the obstacles that keep me from quieting my soul before You.  Fill me with the courage to pay attention to what my soul desires.  I want to sit in Your presence and experience Your great love. Amen.

Still, struggling?

Maybe this will help.

I’ve created a guide to help you move closer to God.  Click on the image below and leave your name and email so I know where to send it.  I’m so glad you’re joining us on this journey to grow closer to God.