Pamela Henkelman | Empty Nest Coach

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Building a Close Relationship with God Series: Be Still

“He says, ‘Be still and know that I am God.’” Psalm 46:10

Building a close relationship with God takes time. Relationships grow as they are tended to and often we have to overcome the obstacles which make God seem far off. I don’t want to offer you more religious activity to work your way closer to God. Instead, I want to help you pay attention to some different ways of relating to God and this will help you have a stronger connection. How close do you want to be?

  It doesn’t matter if you’ve walked with God for years or have just begun a relationship with Him, we can all build more intimacy with our Creator. God is willing to move closer to us, but He longs to be invited near. Join me on this journey as we discover ways to build a close relationship with God.

I stood at the sink finishing up dinner dishes, overwhelmed with my “to do” list.  Appointments and activities with the kids, a project at work, and things to do at the church all raced through my mind.  Juggling parenthood, ministry life, and managing the house seemed overwhelming and left me in a constant state of motion.  It had become the norm for my adult life, ever pushing forward, keep working, continue going, always producing.

I had a holy moment over the dishwasher as the Spirit whispered, “There’s a better way. When are you going to be still?”  Be still? I scoffed at the thought!  How in the world can I be still when I have all this to do? I thought.  “What do you know to be true about Me,” the Spirit gently asked.  I thought You are good, You are my strength, You are my help.  I’m not alone in my busyness, You are near and I can choose peace now.  Immediately, I felt the tension release from my shoulders as God’s peace and compassion flooded my heart.

It wasn’t until the decade I turned 40 when I realized I couldn’t keep up the pace my life kept pushing me towards. I wore my busyness as a badge of honor and pride, but inside I was emotionally and physically exhausted.  I needed to create a margin around my constant activity. I was good at taking time early each day to meet with God, but I needed to learn to still myself in the midst of my activity. I needed to pause and make room for God to speak. I needed to apply what I knew about God in my busy moments.

What is the benefit of being still?

  • We create a moment of rest that restores our body and soul.

  • We lay distractions aside and choose to focus on God.

  • We make room for God to speak. It is difficult to hear God when we are constantly moving. When we don’t still our thoughts or bodies, it leaves no room for God to speak truth over our situation.

  • We know God in our stillness as we meditate on His character and ways.

  • We exchange our busyness for His peace.

  • The Holy Spirit will give us wisdom and direction in a moment of stillness.

  • Stillness communicates dependence and trust.

  • We know God, but He also gets to know us better.  When we slow down and share our honest needs, fears, frustrations, hopes, and dreams we are building a close relationship.

  • We create a more balanced rhythm for life when we move between periods of stillness and activity.

One of the biggest obstacles to building a close relationship with God is our busy lifestyle. When we fill our days with the constant activity we can’t still ourselves to be with Him. Look at our days and see where we can carve out some time to focus on God and amidst the busy, pause for a moment and listen to His heart. He longs to bring peace to our chaotic moments.

We will never be disappointed when we still in the midst of activity.  God is not only in the quiet moments of devotion, but He’s there in the middle of our busy, everyday ordinary, and He longs to meet with us and be known by us.

How close to God do you want to be? Are you willing to create a margin, so you are free to spend time with Him?

Dear God, I often forget about you in the midst of my constant activity. I push full speed ahead into my day and don’t always make time for You. Forgive me for that and help me create a margin in my day to be with You. I want to still myself enough to create room for You to speak. Help me be aware of You at all times, so even when I think I’m too busy, for You, You are just a whisper away and are ready to help me.

Are you still struggling?

Maybe this will help.

I’ve created a guide to help you build a close relationship with God.  Simply click on the image below and leave your name and email so I know where to send the free guide.