Pamela Henkelman | Empty Nest Coach

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New Year: New Identity, Life In Christ

“Living within you is the Christ who floods you with the expectation of glory. This mystery of Christ, embedded within us, becomes a heavenly treasure chest of hope filled with the riches of glory for his people, and God wants everyone to know it!” Colossians 1:27

As we begin this journey about identity, let’s look at how culture defines identity. Our culture tells us our worth stems from what we do, or who we are. Success, talent, money, a try-hard attitude, health, beauty, and the approval of others dictate our value. If we do all these things well, we are seen as valuable. If we lack these characteristics, we are seen as invaluable. 

When we are in Christ our identity flows from His goodness and is not dependent on us or others. He is the source of our identity. To understand what Christ has done for us, we need to start from when Christ first comes to dwell with us.

The Sweetest Surrender

The young pastor preaches passionately for a large group of wiggly teens in Calvin Klein jeans and Reeboks. This is the first time I’m exposed to the message of salvation in Christ. At church youth group, I feel out of place and different from everyone there. I sense God drawing me to Himself, but there is a wall of shame and brokenness I hide behind and not even God’s love can penetrate it. I’m not good enough or worthy to be near God. I feel like an outcast in this group of squeaky clean church kids. From the outside, I seem alright, but my home life is difficult with my stepfather’s alcoholism. If they only knew.

Five years later, I walk into the same church dressed in my black pencil skirt and hounds-tooth blazer with shoulder pads. I was just a college student but in this church, everyone comes in their Sunday best. It was the eighties, a different era. I dutifully followed my mom down front to the second pew, her usual spot. I smile sheepishly as I walk by friendly faces. 

I have a front-row seat to watch God miraculously restore my parent’s marriage. I witness forgiveness and reconciliation, the depths of which I’d never seen before. I didn’t know God could do such a thing. I’m more curious about God. This wasn’t the God of my childhood as He seemed distant and aloof.  

I’m moved by the beautiful worship songs which speak of God’s goodness and love, His majesty, and might. There is a freedom of expression in this church that I’ve never experienced before. Every time I go to a service, I cry. I find it unusual, and I’m embarrassed by my tears, but I also feel safe here.

The pastor speaks with conviction and authority, and there is a kindness in his eyes. He gives a riveting sermon that speaks straight to my heart. How does the pastor know? He explains, “God is like the strong man on the trapeze; all you have to do is let go and He’ll catch you.” My heart bursts with delight and relief at the thought. I’m weary of carrying it all. My perfectionism is the facade I display to hide the shame of my home life. It leaves me exhausted. I’m tired and ready to be held and rescued by someone stronger. I step forward, as tears roll down my cheeks, in sweet surrender. I ask Christ to forgive me of my sins and dwell with me forever. And He does.

In order for us to walk in our identity in Christ, we must first be sure He dwells within us. Once we have that taken care of, we then can begin to discover all that Christ provides.

Christ’s Provision

The mystery of Christ is He is fully man and fully God, and He dwells within us. He became the bridge to a relationship with God. Because of sin, there is a gulf in which we cannot make it to God. He is holy and perfect, and we humans are not. So, Christ bridges the gap as He takes our place and stands between us so God can’t see our sin. It’s the reason Christ suffered and died. He paid the price for our sins. The fancy word for it is justification. 

Now that Christ dwells within us we have access to all He provided. Things like forgiveness, redemption, peace, love, joy, security, significance, value, and approval. His work on the cross is finished, so we are complete in Him. Our value comes from Him alone, not what we do.

The beauty is, it takes us off the hook. We don’t have to work our way to approval because Christ has already given it to us. Our greatest purpose in life is to simply know Christ more, so we can understand all He’s done for us. 

Dear Papa, I want to know Christ. I want to surrender my life to Him and be complete in Him. I want to understand the depths of His love for me and appreciate all He paid for my freedom. The freedom of forgiveness, acceptance, significance, security, and love. Amen

Still, struggling?

Maybe this will help.

I’ve included a free guide to help you understand all Christ has done for you. Simply click on the link below and leave your name and email so I know where to send it.