You Are Chosen to Do Significant Things

You Are Chosen to Do Significant Things

“You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit…” John 15:16

Surrendered to God

Tracey and Jeff Crowder arrive early at the church as they are presenting a short presentation about their ministry called Refuge, a non-profit bringing help, housing, and hope to people in need. The Crowders have warm smiles and fun personalities; I’m drawn to them the first time we meet. They have a mischievous way about them and a carefreeness to be used by God. Their level of surrender inspires me.

Tracey walks in carrying a brand new baby girl. “Where did she come from?” I exclaim. Tracey’s face radiates the joy of the Lord as she explains this miracle baby girl, Alivia. Long ago Tracey and Jeff willingly surrendered to God’s plan for their family, and one child after another their family has grown.

Tracey was required to care for her little brother after her father died and her mother plunged into depression. Her older siblings were already out of the house. Tracey was fifteen and her little brother was seven. They spent years hovering under DHS radar, so they could stay together. It was those years of raising her little brother that the dream of adopting and fostering was planted in Traceys’ heart.

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