You Are Chosen to Do Significant Things
/The Crowder Family
“You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit…” John 15:16
Surrendered to God
Tracey and Jeff Crowder arrive early at the church as they are presenting a short presentation about their ministry called Refuge, a non-profit bringing help, housing, and hope to people in need. The Crowders have warm smiles and fun personalities; I’m drawn to them the first time we meet. They have a mischievous way about them and a carefreeness to be used by God. Their level of surrender inspires me.
Tracey walks in carrying a brand new baby girl. “Where did she come from?” I exclaim. Tracey’s face radiates the joy of the Lord as she explains this miracle baby girl, Alivia. Long ago Tracey and Jeff willingly surrendered to God’s plan for their family, and one child after another their family has grown.
Tracey was required to care for her little brother after her father died and her mother plunged into depression. Her older siblings were already out of the house. Tracey was fifteen and her little brother was seven. They spent years hovering under DHS radar, so they could stay together. It was those years of raising her little brother that the dream of adopting and fostering was planted in Traceys’ heart.
Tracey met Jeff in high school, and she told him of her dreams for fostering. He admired her heart but convinced he could never do that. Years later, they married and God began changing Jeff’s heart. After facing years of infertility, they pursued the foster care system. They prepared their guest room for a toddler then they prayed and waited until God brought them two-year-old, Stephen.
Jeff and Tracey use their own home as a refuge for children. In the past seventeen years, they have fostered twenty-six kids. After Stephen was adopted, Tracey prayed for a baby girl. A caseworker called and out of 50 couples to interview the Crowders were selected, and Sarah Grace arrived in their family. When her birth mother was expecting again, she contacted the Crowders, and they adopted Isaac.
Four years ago, Tracey felt impressed by the Spirit that they would have a baby girl. They didn’t know where she would come from. Though Tracey was forty years old she couldn’t shake the thought of this baby girl. She surrendered the desire to God and waited. One day while Tracey was cutting a client’s hair, he said his wife needed a ride home from the hospital. Tracey was free and volunteered to go pick up Jessi. Upon arriving at the hospital, Tracey could not find Jessi, nor reach her by text. Tracey was unfamiliar with the hospital and ended up in the third-floor lobby.
Stepping off the elevator, Tracey walked into a group of frantic people. She took a chair and quietly waited. There was a mom, her relatives, and a caseworker discussing that this newborn would not be going home with the drug-addicted birth mom, and there were no relatives deemed fit to take the infant. After a bit, Tracey volunteered her services as a foster mom. God literally plopped Tracey into the middle of this tense situation, as a solution and Alivia was the baby girl God had impressed upon her. Jeff wasn’t even surprised when she called to tell him about it. Alivia has two older siblings in foster care who were moved to the Crowder house and now all three have been approved for adoption.
Only God.
This year they also adopted Aubrey, a girl who has been in and out of their home for the past six years.
The Crowders have weekly pizza nights where the biological parents are invited to interact with their children. They believe in bringing hope and healing to the whole family, not just the kids. They have dreams to move to the country to build a ranch called Refuge Acres, so they can help more kids.
Tracey and Jeff continually surrender to God for the forming of their family. As they have opened their hearts to His plan, God continues to help them do significant things.
Our significance Comes From the Fruit We Bear
As we continue to understand our identity in Christ, it’s important to know our significance doesn’t come from ourselves but is the result of surrendering to Jesus. If He is the vine and we are the branches, then our lives will be pruned to produce a certain crop.
Like a healthy tree, which produces lasting fruit, Tracey and Jeff continue to produce the fruit of helping children in need. Their lives are filled with the fruit of generosity, love, compassion, empathy, and hope. Helping others is a core value of their family.
God has a unique calling on each of our lives, and it’s our job to find out what it is so we can do it. Jeff and Tracey started with open hearts, love for children, and the desire to help those in need.
God desires all of us to bear fruit. The Word says He chose you and appointed you to bear fruit! The most significant thing we can do for God is to produce something lasting and significant. God tells us to go and produce. Where do you need to go to produce fruit? What will be the fruit of your labor? What gifting, talent or interest could you use to bear fruit, something lasting and significant?
Dear Papa, Thank you my significance doesn’t come from me, but from the fruit I produce. I want to bear fruit for you. The most significant thing I can do is bear fruit. Show me how I can use my giftings, talents, interests, and strengths to build something lasting and significant. Amen.
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