Christ Accepts Me As His Friend

rebekah and kizzy 2020.jpg

“I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends since I have told you everything the Father told me.”- John 15:15

The Bond of Friendship

Rebekah is sprawled out on the couch after the 7-hour drive home. Keziah bursts through the front door and plops down next to Rebekah. They’re all arms and legs as they embrace on the couch the way sisters do.  They cling to each other because of their closeness. Each is dealing with her own burden of loss. They know in each other, their tender hearts are safe. 

Keziah’s a freshman in college forced to move home because of the coronavirus. She leaves all her friends and Chi Alpha community, along with her boyfriend. She’s come home to a town she barely knows since we moved here last June. Her high school friends are in another state.

Rebekah plans a visit home for her last college spring break.  She’s filled with disappointment and frustration after all her college activities are canceled along with her college commencement. She’s the Executive Director of an organization that plans most of the activities on campus. She grieves the loss of events and relationships. Tears fall as they talk about their troubles. 

They are more than sisters, they are friends.

Friendship is the most beautiful bond. Here’s are the components of a strong friendship:

  • Mutual respect

  • Shared interests

  • Compassion towards one another

  • Boundless love

  • Endless support

  • Understanding

  • Common values

  • Selflessness

  • Vulnerability and transparency

  • Acceptance

Friendship With Christ

Not only can we share a bond like this with humans, but we can have it with Christ. Have you considered Christ calls you friend, and He longs to build that kind of connection with you?

We build our friendship with Christ the same way my daughters built their friendship.  We spend time together. We share our hopes and fears. We talk and affirm each other. We understand we’re loved and accepted.  We risk vulnerability and transparency knowing our heart will be protected and kept safe.

_Christ isn't only our Savior, He's our friend._ -Pamela Henkelman.png

Christ isn’t only our Savior, He’s our friend.

Dear Papa, I want this kind of connection with Christ.  I want to know He accepts me and won’t reject me even when I mess up.  I want to know the security of friendship with Him. Help me share my heart with Him knowing He will always treat me carefully and tenderly. Amen.

Are you still struggling?

Maybe this will help.

I’ve included a free guide to help you understand your identity in Christ as a beloved daughter of God.  Click on the image below and leave your name and email so I know where to send it.