How to Taste God's Goodness

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We are finishing up the final attribute needed for a close connection with God: a hunger for God’s Word. Have you ever thought about your relationship with the Bible and how that impacts your connection with God? We’ll be talking about it all month on the blog. Today I’ve invited a dear friend, Sarah Butterfield, to share a beautiful piece she wrote about how to taste God’s goodness. You’re going to love this.

How to Taste God’s Goodness

When we moved to France when I was seven, my mom discovered that peanut butter was an American product. She searched high and low in every grocery store, determined to find that quick and easy lunch spread. One day, she came home with a tin can: she had finally found peanut butter in a specialty grocery store, imported from North Africa! She opened it with a can opener and although the stuff inside was hard to spread, it tasted fine.

The French preferred their Nutella, a snack my mom only gave us as a dessert. Our French friends would scrunch their noses in disgust when my mom talked about peanut butter. “You mean a butter? Made from peanuts? Ew!”

One Sunday at a church potluck, my mom made a chocolate cake. For the frosting, she whipped together equal parts Nutella and peanut butter. Our French friends loved it and raved about the frosting. My mom waited until everyone had finished their slice before revealing that there was peanut butter in the recipe!

In high school, I met Liz. She had grown up in Jakarta as a missionary kid, and she was in love with peanut butter. I had never met a bigger fan. She put it on rice, on noodles, on chicken even! Liz was the one who told me to try peanut butter with apple slices. I was skeptical, having only heard of peanut butter on bananas or celery stalks. She cut up a green apple and topped it with a dollop of peanut butter in a bowl for me. An unlikely combination I thought. But, not wanting to offend, I took a bite, and my world was opened wide. The cool, crisp tartness of the apple alongside the smooth, savory peanut butter was a revelation. I became an instant fan. That was the year I also discovered pretzels and peanut butter, so you could say that it was a time of tremendous personal growth.

A tasty invitation

God invites us to taste his goodness for ourselves.

“Oh taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.” (Psalm 34:8)

Like a heavenly parent, poised with a spoonful of something new, he waits for us to taste and see that God is good. Our life circumstances, however pleasant or unpleasant they may taste right now, can’t compare to the unchanging goodness of God. God never promised an easy life for his followers, free of pain and suffering and full of prosperity. But he did promise us himself, and he is good.

When we keep an open mind to new culinary experiences, we position ourselves to be blown away, impressed, delighted. When we come to God with the same attitude, the same thing can happen. Consider the words of the Psalmist:

“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” (Psalm 119:103)

How do you approach the word of God? Are you bored with it? Is it too difficult to read? An obligation to fulfill?

What if we came to the word of God with expectation? Hungry for God’s truth and presence? Searching its pages for the words that will hit the spot?

Might we come away feeling satisfied and fulfilled? Might we carry around his word throughout our day, chewing on its truth, its meaning?

I confess that I often read my Bible out of a sense of duty rather than a longing to be filled. I want to approach it like the Psalmist: eager, hungry, expectant. I’m challenging us all to pause before we open God’s word. To start off by humbling ourselves, by acknowledging our need for mercy and for truth. In doing so, we will put ourselves in the right posture to delight in the taste of God’s words.

Let’s pray.

Dear Papa, Thank You for Your Word. Help us to approach it with longing, humility, and the desire to experience Your goodness each time we read it. Open our hearts and minds to receive the nourishment and sweetness it provides. We want to know You through reading Your Word. Thank You for the life it brings to us. Amen.

Still, struggling?

Maybe this will help?

I’ve created a free guide, “Five Attributes Needed for A Close Connection with God.” Simply enter your name and email below so I know where to send it.

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Sarah K. Butterfield is an author, speaker, and ministry leader who has a heart for empowering women to grow in their faith and be intentional with their time. She and her husband and two boys live in San Diego, where she writes about pursuing a deeper relationship with God in the midst of motherhood. Her writing has been published in The Joyful Life Magazine, (in)Courage, and RELEVANT, and you can find her book “Around the Clock Mom” on Amazon. Follow her writing at and check out the free resources available for download on her website!

