Read the Word for Connection


“The word of God is living and active…” Hebrews 4:12a

Have you ever considered your relationship with God’s Word and the correlation to your connectedness with Him?  Today we’ll learn how to read the Word for transformation instead of information. 

It was a gray winter morning as I arose early again. It was my routine to spend time with God before the busyness of the day set it. The house was quiet, as I gathered my robe around my chilled body and heart. I opened my Bible, and I was overcome with sadness. There was a deep longing for connection with God, but I didn’t know how to attain it.  I sat there sullen, bored, and uninterested. Surely this wasn’t what communion with God should feel like. I was ashamed and embarrassed by my lack of passion.

 How could I be bored with a living God? I knew I was supposed to study and memorize the Word. I knew I was supposed to hide it in my heart, but that day reading the Word felt routine and uninspired.  Was it my fault? Could I approach the Word differently? If I did approach it differently would I feel more connected to God? I longed for closeness and intimacy with Him

Reading for Transformation

Ruth Haley Barton’s, Sacred Rhythms: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation, would be the lifeline that would change the way I related to the Word for the rest of my days.  She talks about the difference between reading a newspaper and a love letter. A newspaper is read to gather information. We gather information and analyze and do so quickly as we master the text, but a love letter is read to gather connection with the reader. In a love letter, we read between the lines and savor every word with its hidden meaning and connection. We read it over and over rehearsing our Loves heart and intention for us. 

Barton says this about the difference:

“When we are in an information-gathering mindset, we are analytical in our approach and at times even critical or judgmental. When we are in this mode it is hard for us to hear anything new because we have so many unconscious defenses in place. 

Contrasting, when we engage the Scriptures for spiritual transformation, we engage not only our mind but also our heart, our emotions, our body, our curiosity, our imagination, and our will. We open ourselves to a deeper level of understanding and insight that grows out of and leads us deeper into a personal relationship with the One behind the text.

When we engage the scripture for spiritual transformation, we make it our top priority to listen to God relationally rather than seeking to only learn about God cognitively.”

This was a profound shift for me in how I relate to the Word.  There are times when I love to study, dig in, and find the meaning of words.  I like to cross-reference the scripture and understand the historical context. 

But I also have learned the beauty in connecting emotionally and relationally with God through His Word. I enjoy sitting with Him each day as I ask Him to show me His heart towards me and the world. We don’t have to choose between one or the other. They each hold value. 

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How to Read for Relationship:

  • Read slowly, few verses, and savor the words. Holy Spirit will illuminate a word that speaks directly to your heart. We don’t rush to the next chapter to check off our list.

  • Ask some questions: What does this say?

                                              What does it mean?

                                              What does this tell me about God?

  • Pay attention to your emotions. Ask God to speak to whatever is welling up within you.

  • How is the verse resonating? Do you feel a tension that needs to be addressed? What aspect of my life is being touched by this verse?

This way of relating to the Word may feel uncomfortable at first because we aren’t used to being vulnerable with God. It also is easier for those who are self-aware and can make sense of what’s going on inside themselves. Be patient with the process.  God is willing to help you grow this way.

When I want to feel close to God, I’m thankful for the love letter He has written to help me discover His heart for me and mankind. I now look forward to meeting with Him each morning because of the strong sense of connection we share. This way of reading the Word has brought me closer to the Lord than I ever imagined possible.

Dear Papa, I thank You for Your Word.  I want to learn to read it as a Love Letter from You. Help me realize I can connect with on a relational level.  I know times of study are important but I also want to connect with Your heart as I read the Word. Open my heart to this possibility of connecting more deeply.  I want to hear Your voice and Your heart towards me each day. 

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