You Are A Channel of Jesus' Life

winnie and pamela 2011

Winnie, 86 and Pamela, 46, Lake Geneva Christian Center 2011

“I am the sprouting vine and you’re my branches. As you live in union with me as your source, fruitfulness will stream from within you-but when you live separately you are powerless.” John15:5

We Are The Branches

Winnie comes into my life at just the right time. I’m a young newlywed and a new mom trying to make sense of it all. I need gentle guidance and reassurance. The first time I meet Winnie is at our church; I’m drawn to her warmth. I need this woman in my life. She’s a sprite woman in her early sixties with the energy of a teen. She has raised her children and has great-grandkids.

Her eyes sparkle like she holds the secrets to life. Her face is prematurely wrinkled, likely from the storms she’s weathered, but there is a luminescence of spirit that is unmatched. She exudes hope, enthusiasm, and unwavering trust in God.  She calls everyone “kid” and oozes the love of Jesus. She makes you feel like you're the most important person in the room.

Winnie becomes a loyal friend and mentor. She brings me meals when I’m on bedrest and giggles gleefully when my five-year-old says, “Mommy, Winnie has a lot of wrinkles.” She helps me wash my porch windows and teaches me how to be a patient, more loving wife. She prays with me when my husband suffers a devastating diagnosis. 

She’s the first friend I want to talk to after I miscarried our second child.  She sits with me and cries and points my wounded heart to Jesus. She's equal parts teacher, mentor, friend, and cheerleader. She dolls out wisdom and sweetness. Her faith is more than words, it’s followed by action. She gives her wisdom and time equally as she walks beside me and shows me Christ’s love. 

Jesus, in her, shines bright in every situation. It’s like Winnie has a direct line to heaven and a connection with God that is enviable. We spend nine years together until our family moves away, but she leaves an indelible mark on my heart.

I want to be like her one day.

I am the sprouting vine and you're my branches. John 15_ 5.png

Christ In Us

Our lives become most significant when we realize life flows from Jesus through us to others. Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. He is connected to God, who is the source of all.  Because Jesus lives in us, His life flows through us and can impact others.

It’s astounding to me how the life of Jesus flows through us. The river of life is real, and we can let others wade on its shores, as we are extensions of His kindness, love, patience, gentleness, and friendship. Your life truly may be the only Jesus some will ever see. 

It’s an honor to be used by God to influence others, to show this broken and beaten world, God is good even when bad things happen. God wants to use us to show others, Jesus.  Not just with words but with actions. When we give our time, energy and resources to others we are an extension of Christ.  

There is nothing more wonderful than being a channel of Jesus to the world. Our significance doesn’t come from ourselves, but from Christ within us. Who has God placed in your life to impact?

Dear Papa, I want to be someone’s Winnie.  I want to shine so brightly that all people can see is Jesus in me.  I want to serve, love, encourage, and show the love of Jesus to the world. I want to become less, so He can become more. Help me not just speak words but actually give of my time, energy and resources. I want to be love in action. Jesus, help me be an extension of You. Amen.

Still, struggling?

Maybe this will help.

I’ve included a free guide to help you understand your identity in Christ as a beloved daughter of God.  Click on the image below and leave your name and email so I know where to send it.