Don't Be A Know It All With God.

don't be a know it all with god.

“Teach my Your way, O Lord, that I may live according to your truth! Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor you.” Psalm 86:11 NLT

The next attribute we’ll focus on as we grow in our intimacy with God is having a teachable spirit. In order to feel closer to God, we need a stance of surrender and a moldable, teachable heart.

 Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

* Am I teachable?

* Am I a “know it all”? 

* Do I recognize the areas of my life that need growth and healing? 

* Am I  blind to the true state of my heart? 

* Have I let apathy creep in so I’m content with the distance between me and God?

Hungry to Learn

I listen intently as the teacher talks about sanctification. He’s dressed in a suit and tie. He’s authoritative and strong, yet he has a warm smile.  Everyone else in the room wears their Sunday best. He’s a wise man in our church, and the room is filled to capacity with eager learners of all ages. He stands in front of a large whiteboard filled with scripture and terms.  I don't think I’ve ever heard the term sanctification.  I’m new to Christ, and I’m hungry for knowledge.  I know nothing of the Bible or principles of the Christian faith. I just know my life has changed, and I long for restoration and growth.  It’s all-new, the terms are unfamiliar, but I soak up all the goodness, like a thirsty child drinking from the garden hose on a hot summer day.   

I flip through my new Bible with the tabs because I’m not familiar with where the books are located. I feel child-like, filled with wonder and awe about all the things I can learn about God. The wise teacher asks questions, and I listen to the banter, hoping someday to contribute.  My heart is set towards God, and I want to learn. Maybe one day I’ll have the courage to contribute to the discussion. Not today. For now, I’m comfortable being a student at Jesus’ feet, learning and growing in grace and knowledge. Teach me Lord, is the cry of my heart as I read the Word and continue to study.

A Teachable Spirit

Having a teachable spirit is an important attribute to building intimacy with God.  There is much to study about God.  We desire to gain an understanding of doctrine, concepts of faith, forgiveness, and redemption. We need to pick up how to correctly study the Bible, then we want to know how to apply the knowledge to our hearts.  We seek discernment about God’s character, how to serve, how to recognize our spiritual gifts, and how we function as a body.  We hope to understand our past and how to be healed of old wounds.  We study how to relate to others, and how we fit in the body of Christ. 

There is so much to learn! Are you hungry to receive more from God? Do you read your Bible?  Have you studied any great books or participated in Bible Studies?  The process of growth will take a lifetime, but as we expand in wisdom and understanding and apply Godly principles, we are changed.  As important as it is to learn, it’s even more important to apply what we’ve learned to our hearts. Head knowledge only “puffs up”; heart application brings transformation.

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God graciously and longingly invites us to join Him in our healing and understanding of who He is.  If you remain stuck in the same habits, sins, and ways of thinking, perhaps you are not teachable.  Being moldable means we understand we do not know everything.  We’re aware of our shortcomings and want to partner with God to be whole.  

Often the distance we feel between God and ourselves is a chasm of our own making because we don’t want to stretch and change.  I’ve found God is most gracious as He lovingly asks us to relinquish unhealthy patterns and destructive behaviors. 

In order to flourish, our stance is open to God’s influence in our life. Are we hungry to see the world from God’s perspective? Maturity comes as we willingly surrender to God’s good ways.

We partner with God in the process and that’s how our relationship builds intimacy. We move toward God and ask Him to help us abide and prosper.  We’re not left to figure things out on our own.  God is a faithful, kind teacher. 

Let’s pray.

Dear Papa, Thank you for I can never get to the end of all there is to learn about You.  I long to be a lifetime learner and to see the world from Your perspective.  Fill me with a hunger to learn and apply truth to my heart.  Thank  You for being the most kind, gentle teacher.  I want to grow in wisdom and knowledge and find healing for my broken heart.  Teach me and restore me by Your great love. Amen.

Still, struggling?

Maybe this will help.

I’ve created a free guide, “Five Attributes Needed for A Close Connection with God.”  Simply enter your name and email below so I know where to send it.