God's Heart Towards You Involves Restoration

gods heart towards you involves restoration pamela henkelman

“Restore us, O Lord Almighty, make your face shine o us that we may be saved.”-Psalm 80:7

One Heart Restored

It’s a crisp winter morning as we gather to worship on January 5, 1986. Christ’s love is illuminated, and the trajectory of my life is changed forever as I step forward in the church to surrender my heart to Jesus. Tears stream down my face as I’m enveloped in the love and acceptance of God.  My joy can’t be contained as the peace I feel is palpable.  I’ve been in an unhealthy relationship for a couple of years. My boyfriend is arrogant, self-centered, emotionally detached, and utterly lost. Why do I believe I’m not worthy of being treated better?

I end up in this relationship because I’m a girl who wants to be loved. I ignore the red flags in our relationship.  I chase after love my whole life and never find it. I don’t date much in high school.  I’m never chosen and walk around with a gaping ache. When I’m nineteen, I meet my boyfriend at a bar.  My family never likes him. 

Sunday evening I head back to my college town, and when I arrive, I call him to break up.  It isn’t a big deal.  There is no drama, simply a resolute assurance this is the right thing to do. I then throw up a simple prayer, “God I just want someone who loves you and could he be tall too?”  Friends, you don’t know what it’s like to be 5’11”! I think God cares about the details. 

Five months later, I start dating an old acquaintance, Bob. He treats me with respect and gentleness.  He’s kind and funny.  He loves God, and he’s tall. God certainly cares about the things we care about. God’s so personal.  Bob has his own spiritual awakening at the same church a month after me. He’s everything I ever wanted in a relationship.  We fall in love with God and each other at the same time.  We’re blissfully in love.  We are engaged six months later and will celebrate our 34th wedding anniversary in the fall.  God brings the most beautiful restoration to my life. 

As we learn to practice loving union with God it’s helpful to understand His hearts towards you involves restoration.  God is our redeemer and restorer.  Everything that has been broken, destroyed, lost, or bruised can be rebuilt by Him.

What Does Restoration Look Like?

I recently asked some friends what God’s restoration looks like to them.  Here’s what they said:

  • He picks up the shattered pieces and uses them to make something more beautiful than before.

  •  I think of God putting all my hurts, scars, pain, bruises, falls, bumps, and scrapes into His loving arms and hugging me back to my complete self.

  • Repairer or maybe a better word is a rebuilder. It happens on the inside first. Once the inside is repaired or rebuilt, it shows on the outside.

  • Surrendering my will to His and allowing Him to restore me back to new. To be lifted on high as I humble myself before Him. A brand new chance to be the woman He intended.

Sweet friend, we all carry pain, shame, and regret over choices we’ve made leaving us battered and bruised.  Or perhaps our undoing is no fault of our own because it is inflicted upon us. Either way, God wants to bring us renewal.

Rebuilding is the core of God’s relationship with us.  He wants to renew all that is broken, hurt, or lost.  He is our Redeemer.  He reclaims and repairs our broken places.  The growth takes place in the context of a relationship with God.   We are changed as we build a deeper connection with God and allow Him to transform our lives. We are renewed as we allow God to heal our deep relational, emotional, spiritual, and physical scars.

 There’s not one situation God isn’t capable of turning around. This is not the time for robust independence.  We act as if everything depends on God because it does.  It takes intentional movement towards God and allowing Him to do the healing work. This takes practice and patience.  

Moving closer to God is the most life-giving choice we make.  When we draw near to God, He welcomes us with love and acceptance.  He sees and knows all our scars, and yet He cherishes us.  It’s too beautiful to comprehend.  What will you do to move close to Him today so you can experience fresh renewal?

Dear Papa, I want to be restored.  I want the broken pieces of my heart to be put back together by You.  I want to renew my mind and see You for who you are, a loving God.  I thank you for your compassion towards me.  Help me move closer to You so I can experience a fresh start. Amen.

Still, struggling?

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