Finding Peace in the Empty Nest: The Power of Relying on God

 “My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me.”- Psalm 63:8

Assurance from God

Julie stood at the kitchen window as the morning sunrise revealed its glory of oranges, pinks, and purples. She breathed in the beauty and offered quiet praise to God. “Thank you Lord, for your presence. Thank you for being with me today. How I need you so. Please be with me in all I do. Amen,” she whispered in her heart.

 Her formerly bustling house was reduced to crickets now that the kids were gone. Each morning at the sink was the reminder she needed that God wasn’t done yet. There were good things ahead for her in her empty nest. 

Are you needing reassurance in your empty nest?

God is ready to help you find peace. 

When our children grow up, there is a natural transition in our relationship with them. We loosen control as our kids venture into the world. It starts in their teens as we let them have a little independence. We monitor their activity then see how they do. If they respond well to freedom, we give them more. If not, we reign them in until they can prove themselves trustworthy.

This continues through college, as we release them to live separately from us. We no longer have control over their day to day, or their political, religious, or cultural views. But we have guardrails around them, as they return home each summer and still rely on us financially.

There comes a point where they become truly adult: they have their own jobs, homes, perhaps a spouse and children and responsibility for their finances, social circles, and beliefs. We still influence them from afar, but they are solely responsible for running their own lives.

In the empty nest, our identity is no longer tied to our motherhood or whether our kids thrive or not in adulthood. That’s not on us. Our grown children are responsible for their own success.  

Cling to God

Instead of holding on to our kids, we are invited to cling to God.

 “My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me.”- Psalm 63:8 

Our confidence soars as we remain tethered to God. We let go of our children and grasp our Lord's powerful hand. God’s right hand is characterized by strength and might. How wonderful to be held up by our Strong King. 

The Benevolent One steadies our souls and provides infinite peace, wisdom, and guidance for the empty nest season of life. As we remain in Him, He provides everything we need to live a fulfilled life away from our grown offspring.

Clinging to God instead of relying solely on your adult children can provide several important benefits for an empty nest mom:

1. Spiritual Fulfillment:

 Deepening your relationship with God can bring profound peace, purpose, and fulfillment that might not come solely from your children. You are welcomed to commune with God daily, as He is an endless supply of love, acceptance and grace.

 When life gets hard you know to run to the Source. You’ve learned to rise above your circumstances. You remember God is good and all He does is good. This spiritual connection can help you navigate this new stage of life with confidence and clarity.

2. Healthy Boundaries:

 By focusing on your relationship with God, you can establish healthy boundaries with your adult children. You find your fulfillment in God instead of your children.  This allows them to grow and make their own choices while ensuring you don’t inadvertently place the weight of your happiness on them. 

Your children are not responsible for your happiness. That rests squarely on your shoulders. As you delight yourself in the Lord you’ll experience greater joy.

3. Support in Loneliness:

 The transition to an empty nest can lead to feelings of loneliness. God can provide comfort and companionship, reminding you that you are never truly alone, which can be especially valuable during this adjustment period. 

When loneliness settles in, use it as the push you need to move closer to God. Let His love soothe your hurting heart. Allow His companionship to bring you comfort.

4. Personal Growth

Relying on God can encourage personal growth and self-discovery. This is a time to explore new interests, develop new friendships, and engage in activities that enrich your life, fostering a sense of independence and joy beyond your role as a mother. 

Use this season as a springboard to reinvent yourself. You are more than a mom. God has placed unique strengths, gifts, and a calling that you have the freedom to pursue now that your life isn’t consumed with motherhood.

Fostering a strong connection with God can ultimately enhance our well-being and relationships with our children. As we release our children and cling to God, we find the satisfaction we long for. This is God’s good work in families. 

Let’s pray.

Dear Papa, Thank you for being the source of every good thing. Help me release my children and cling to You more than ever  before. Give me peace as I let go and find new rhythms in the empty nest. Help me find increased intimacy with You. Comfort me when I’m lonely, and help me love you more each day. Amen.

Still struggling? 

Grab my free guide, Your Kids Are Grown….Now What? It’s a four page guide to help you understand the three different phases of midlife motherhood. You’ll move from the Empty-Feeling mom, the Questioning Mom, and the Celebratory mom. The guide will help you see what to expect next. 

Just leave your name and email so I know where to send it.