Pamela Henkelman | Empty Nest Coach

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I Am God's Beloved

“I am my beloved’s and he is mine.” Song of Songs 6:3

Today I’m wrapping up this six-month series on our Identity in Christ. We’ve talked about what it means to be loved, accepted, significant, forgiven, and secure. I’ve endeavored to give you an overview of who you are in Christ. There is so much more to share on this topic, and I will cover more in the future.  I hope it’s left you longing to be renewed by Jesus. 

Identity In Christ

A friend shared this photo of a pile of sprinkles on Instagram, and it captivates me. It’s joyful, bright, happy, and beautiful. It’s sweet and reminds me of my identity in Christ. God takes our brokenness and sprinkles it with good things like love, peace, acceptance, forgiveness, and belonging. Each attribute He gives is a reflection of Himself. He is everything good and gives good gifts. We don’t have to earn these gifts; they are free to receive.

Why is it that so many miss out on being sprinkled with His love and acceptance? Is it because we don’t know all Christ has done for us? Is it because the pain has clouded our view of God?

Broken Identity

As a child and teen, growing with a father and step-father who struggled with alcoholism,  I wasn’t aware I could have a different perspective. I believe the negative labels, convinced they were my identity. In my youth, my labels are:



Daughter of an Alcoholic

Trailer Trash



My experiences confirmed it, and I was certain to remain these labels forever until I met Jesus at age twenty-one. The trajectory of my life was changed forever as I began to peel back the layers of pain, and learn the truth about who I was in Christ. He taught me I was His beloved. 

My new labels, in Christ, are:







We need to rise with holy boldness to claim our identity in Christ, as it will not happen for the casual observer.  I’m not saying we work hard to receive it because, girlfriend, Jesus has done all the work.

I’m saying, we need to be tired enough of the old labels and ready to fight the lies of the Enemy that keep us believing we are not all Christ died for us to be.  It’s time to long for wholeness and renew our minds.  When we set out on this journey, God will meet us.

It is my story friends, I’ve been working over 30 years to live from a whole-hearted place.  It’s why Jesus died.  He longs to set the captives free.  So, how do we do it?

  • Be self-aware. I didn’t say selfish, I said self-aware because they are two different things.  Self-awareness means we know what our triggers are, and we’re ready to do something about it. If we’re fed up with living with the wrong identity, good because it’s the place where healing begins.

  • Become a student of Jesus.  We will never know all Christ has done for us until we familiarize ourselves with His goodness. Read the parables, see how Jesus treated people.  He is the living God, the one we look to, to understand God.

  • Be a Truthseeker.  The only way to refute the lies is to replace them with the Truth from God’s Word. It helps to study, read, and meditate on the Word. It will change us more than any other discipline.

  • Surround ourselves with other whole-hearted people.  Honestly, some of us need to let go of some toxic relationships. They get in the way of us being all God has made us be.

  • Be gracious with ourselves. This takes a lifetime, and it’s a process we’ll wrestle through, but if we stay the course, I guarantee God will pour His love upon us, and we’ll feel closer than ever.

Being God’s beloved is our right as a child of God.  We don’t earn it or have to prove we are good enough for God’s love.  It’s because He loved us first, He wants to heal us at our deepest pain point, so we can help others do the same. 

You are God’s beloved. Let that settle at the core of your being. Do you believe it?

Dear Papa, I want to be free of the negative labels I have placed on myself and learn to walk in my true identity as beloved.  Give me the awareness and courage to not live one more day like this, feeling less than all You say I am.  Help me draw close to You, so You can renew my mind.  Help me walk in the truth of Your Word. Amen.

Still, struggling?

Maybe this will help.

I’ve included a free guide to help you understand your identity in Christ as a beloved daughter of God. You’ll find it in my free resource library. Click on the image below and leave your name and email so I know where to send it.


I’m excited to announce a new blog series for the next several months: Building A Close Connection With God.  I’ll have a new resource for my email subscribers, next week, so make sure you’re signed up as a subscriber. Did you know I provide unique content for my subscribers only?  I can’t wait to share: Five Attributes Needed For Close Connection With God.