She Loves God, But She's A Little Tired.

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I’ve been thinking about this woman a lot. Maybe you know her?

She loves God. She’s walked with Him for many years, but she’s tired. She’s tired of the same old relationship. She keeps trying to work her way to Him by doing all the right things. She’s diligent but utterly frustrated. Deep down she feels empty but doesn’t know what to do.

She Loves God, But He Seems Distant

She loves God, but He seems distant and she can’t figure out why. She’s gone through her mental checklist: 

  • I’m serving Him by giving of my time, gifts, and finances. Check.

  • I attend church regularly. Check.

  • I throw up some prayers in the morning. Check

  • I try to get along with my husband. Check.

  • I’m raising these kids the best I know-how. Check.

  • I try to read the Bible. Check.

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Yet, after doing all these things for God, she’s not quite connecting with God. She reads her Bible, but there’s no wonder jumping off the pages. She can’t always relate to the stories or understand how they apply to her. She tries to listen for God’s voice, but mostly she hears the lies of condemnation and shame, or she hears nothing at all. This reinforces her lack, which causes her to move farther away from God.

She’s praying about things: deep things, hard things, and yet it feels like her prayers bounce off the ceiling. She’s begged, pleaded, even bargained with God, and still, He doesn’t answer her prayers the way she wants, so she assumes He’s mad at her.  

She longs for something deeper and richer but is frustrated with how to get there. The formulas fall flat, the awe of God is gone. She feels alone, isolated, and disappointed in her relationship with God.

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She looks around at her Christian friends, and it seems they feel the same way. Where are the people who have a deep connection with God? She wants to find them and talk to them, maybe find a mentor. She feels hopeless and stuck.

She assumes there must be something wrong with her, and has settled into her mediocre relationship with God. Can you relate?

Friends, I have been this woman. I know her very well because she was me. I want to encourage and make it my life’s mission to help you have a deeper connection with God. I don’t have all the answers, but I can assure you I’m willing to share how I have stumbled and fallen, and God has picked me up and drawn me closer to His heart.

I believe all of life flows from our intimacy with God.  He has so much to reveal to us if we would only nurture our relationship. In the next few months, we are going to talk about longing, hearing God’s voice, vulnerability, having a teachable spirit, and hunger for the Word.  So, join me on this journey as we grow closer to God together. 

Dear Papa, Thank you for seeing me and you know the condition of my heart, and you’re not mad or disappointed.  You invite me close because You love me.  Set me on a journey to get closer to You. I long to know You intimately, walking each day in the beauty of Your wonder and goodness. Open my heart to see You more. Amen.

I have a brand new free resource to help you understand how you can grow closer to God.

Just click on the image below, and you’ll go to my library of freebies. Leave your name and email, so I know where to send the free guide, Five Attributes Needed For A Close Connection With God. Help yourself to the other resources there, too.

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