I'm Assured God Works For Good In Every Situation
/The age-old question looms in our minds as we try to make sense of God’s goodness: If God is good, why do bad things happen? Lack of clarity in this question has caused many a wounded soul to move away from God. We put up walls or believe God can’t be trusted. Today I want to help you see how God holds us securely as He works all the hard things together for our good.
“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Romans 8:28
Romans 8:28
In the midst of pandemics and social injustice, it seems ridiculous to mention, my tailbone, but here I am. For a few years in my early forties, I practiced Pilates. Pilates is a workout of stretching and toning. It’s low impact and seems good for this reluctant exerciser. A lot of the moves are performed sitting on your tailbone. As a result of these exercises, I develop a bone spur on my tailbone. I know, go ahead and laugh, because I think it’s absurd too.
It’s been ten years since the spur first developed. Removing it isn’t an option because it’s risky surgery, but, hey, it only hurts when I sit or lie. I’ve tried a few different coccyx cushions, but it’s embarrassing lugging those around, so I shift in my chair; surprisingly, soft chairs cause more pain than hard.
Adding insult to injury, I was rear-ended in 2014, on a sunny September day, which left me with chronic neck and mid-back pain. During months of doctoring, I also discovered I have rare thoracic scoliosis. My once healthy body seems to reject healing.
After years of therapy, massages, chiropractic care, and non-traditional treatments I gave up on pursuing healing via medical doctors. The physical pain of varying degrees is now a part of my daily life.
As a normally joyful, optimistic person, I don’t mention my pain often. I don’t see the point in wallowing in it or bringing it up. If I’m having a rough day, my hubby knows, and he’s faithful to pray for me.
I believe in the healing power of God. I’ve witnessed miracles of healing and restoration, personally. It’s a little bone spur, and the God of the universe could flick it off if He wanted, and yet, He does not.
There are seasons where I cry out to God for healing and others where I remain silent. If I’m honest, on my worse days, I feel disappointed and overlooked. It’s on my low days, Papa and I talk; I confess my frustrations and am met with bundles of compassion for God is familiar with pain. He is equally present with me in my joy and my pain. As we talk, He leads me back to the truth from His Word about His goodness.
His goodness does not depend on how I feel. He is good because the Word says He is.
“Good and upright is the Lord.” - Psalm 25:8
“The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works.” - Psalm 145:9
“No one is good, but One, that is God.” - Mark 10:18
“Oh taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man that trusts in Him.” - Psalm 34:8
He is good because I’ve experienced His faithfulness and goodness in other areas of my life. I see it in my husband, five children, friends, family, and the church we lead. I’m surrounded by God’s goodness. I see it in nature, while I cook, in conversation with a friend, in reading the Word, and in quiet reflection. There’s no way I can deny His goodness.
God Give Gifts
Pain and joy aren’t mutually exclusive. I can live in difficult circumstances and still recognize the goodness of God. Pain is my teacher. It teaches me patience and a renewed reliance on God. It helps me slow down the hectic pace I once kept. It allows me to set healthy boundaries and to say no especially on the days I suffer from headaches. These are the good things God has worked out in me because of pain.
I’ve learned to be more comfortable with pain. It’s an opportunity to slide up close to Papa and tell Him about it. Not like He doesn’t already know, but I’m confident He enjoys when I talk to Him about my challenges. He’s filled with compassion towards me as I let warm tears fall. There is no condemnation, no harsh criticism, just gentle support.
In the midst of hardship, it’s difficult to fathom the good God will work out in our lives. God will leave gifts in place of our pain. He’s gifted me with softer edges, humble acceptance, and a deeper connection with Him. Papa has taught me perseverance and empathy for the hurting. He has revealed His love, ministered to my brokenness, and refined me in profound ways.
I ask God to heal me, but if He chooses not to, then I ask Him to keep me.
Keep me tender.
Keep me trusting.
Keep me rejoicing, thankful, and worshipping, in spite of my pain.
Keep me seeing His goodness everywhere.
What good is God working out of your hard situation?
Dear Papa, More than anything I want to hold unto your goodness when life gets hard. Help me not turn my back on You, but instead run to You with my pain. Help me understand that You work all the difficult things together for my good. You will mold me and shape me as long as I keep my heart tender before You. Please help me stay soft towards You. Amen.
Still, struggling?
Maybe this will help.
I’ve included a free guide to help you understand your identity in Christ as a beloved daughter of God. You’ll find it in my free resource library. Click on the image below and leave your name and email so I know where to send it.