Nothing Can Separate Us From God's Love
/“And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below-indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39
For a Moment I Felt Separated
I’m a young, inexperienced mom who’s frustrated with my sweet child. Why will this precocious three-year-old not cooperate today? Why will he not listen to the voice of reason? I feel myself start to lose control. I know I should hold it back but I can’t. Anger rises within like a beast waiting to be un-caged. I lose my temper, sling angry words at him, and yank his arm. He looks at me in shock, bursts into tears, and runs to his room.
I collapse on the floor ashamed and overwhelmed at my lack of self-control. I cry angry sobs, and I hear the leering accusations ring in my thoughts:
“You call yourself a Christian?”
“How can you even love God when you act like that?”
“You’re a complete fraud and a hypocrite!”
“You’re not even fit to be a mother.”
I’ve walked with God long enough to recognize where the thoughts come from. The Father of Lies tries to convince me my bad behavior separates me from God’s love.
I cry out to God at the moment and say, “God, please forgive me for hurting my son. Forgive me for my angry outburst and lack of self-control. Help me be the kind of mom my son needs me to be.”
I hear His tender voice whisper these truths to my heart.
“I forgive you.”
“I love you.”
“I’ll help you remain calm when you’re upset. You need to pause and wait for me to help.”
“Go apologize to your son and reassure him of your love.”
I run down to his room and my son is curled up on his bed, softly crying. I scoop him up and hold him close. I whisper, “I’m so sorry, and I’ll do better at being gentle.” He says, “I’m sorry mom, I’ll do better too. I love you so much.” The evidence of God’s love swirls all around us as we embrace.
Ephesians 8:38
It’s a profound thing to understand that nothing can separate us from the love of God. No hardship, no loss, no poor performance, no sin, no suffering, no pain, no fears, no worries, no lies of the Enemy, no work of the Devil, nothing.
It’s often difficult to receive this truth because many of us have experienced conditional love. “I’ll love you if…” Because of Jesus’ redeeming work on the cross we do not have to be separated from God’s love. He gives it freely to all who ask for forgiveness.
Our Need to Earn God’s Love
We mull these questions over as we contemplate God’s, ridiculous unconditional love:
Where’s the consequence for my bad behavior?
Shouldn’t I need to work my way back to God when I’ve failed Him?
Isn’t there something more required?
Don’t I need to earn my way back to God’s good side?
What if I just did a lot of really good things, then I would be worthy to receive God’s love?
God, are you sure I don’t have to work for your love?
Sweet friends, God’s love it too magnificent to comprehend. It’s not like the love we know from humans. It’s heavenly, given graciously, by our most generous God. Nothing can separate us from His love.
Dear Papa, Your love is unlike any I know. It confounds me that I don’t have to work my way to receive it. Thank You for giving it freely to us. Open my heart and mind to receive Your love. If there’s something I believe that isn’t true about Your love, renew my mind and show me Your goodness. I want to receive Your love and I never want to be separated from it again. Amen.
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