Pamela Henkelman | Empty Nest Coach

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Refining Series: The Power of Perseverance

“Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything,”                                                                                                                                    -James 1:4

As we wrap up this series, I wanted to talk about one of the most important byproducts of refining: perseverance.  Perseverance does not come naturally, and it’s built into our character by the practice of not giving up. It’s a challenge to persevere because we long for a life of ease and comfort. It’s why we struggle with exercise, keeping our house clean, paying off debt, or working on broken relationships because they all require hard work and perseverance.


My husband and I had been in a health-related trial for many months. He was ill and there was no cure in sight.  I was watching the news one evening and a report came on about pit bulls. The dog owner held up a braided rope with a large braided ball at the end.  The owner hovered it over the pit bulls head and it jumped up and latched onto the ball with its powerful jaws and did not let go. The pitbull hung mid-air latched on to the rope with all its might.  The Holy Spirit spoke to my heart at that moment and said, “I want you to be just like that pit bull. You latch on to Me and never let go.” It was a beautiful image of tenacity, and it would become the theme of my days.

My husband was diagnosed with chronic progressive multiple sclerosis and was hospitalized every six weeks for two and a half years.  As the disease progressed and our days grew worse, I thought of that pit bull often. I tenaciously hung on to God. 

I held on when the medical reports were devastating, the symptoms brought more disability, and our bank account was running low. I held on as my husband was placed on permanent disability and nursing home care was recommended.  I held on tight as I tried to explain daddy’s illness to our three young kids. I held on as my husband struggled with anxiety and sadness over the loss of his once productive, lucrative career. I held on as our dreams for the future died.

I held on to the Word, the  Biblical promises, and God’s tender voice as each day He would say, “Do you trust me?”  As tears rolled down my cheeks, I would proclaim my trust. There were days I wanted to escape or return to our old life. I didn’t want to navigate traffic in the Twin Cities when he was hospitalized for a week at a time. I wanted someone to take care of me.  I wanted my young, healthy husband back. I wanted ease. Why did God think I could do this hard thing, which kept getting harder every day?

Gradually, we just kept on doing the hard things.  That’s how perseverance works. We didn't quit, we kept going because God enabled. We don’t muster the ability to persevere, it’s God’s strength in us. It has nothing to do with us and everything to do with God. We replaced our verbiage of “we can’t” with God’s, “I can.” We allowed God to change us.  We recognized apart from God we could do nothing, but with His strength flowing through us, we could get through anything.

The Refining of Perseverance

Perseverance, when allowed to do its work, will change us, refine us.  Let’s backtrack a little and talk about the word refining so you can understand God's intentions for us.

Refine means to remove impurities or unwanted elements from a substance.  Synonyms for refining are purified, clarify, sift, strain, cleanse, treat, rarify. Related words are beautiful, outstanding, magnificent, elegant, subtle, refined, expensive, superior.

The idiom is to cut fine, to calculate precisely, especially without allowing for possible error or accident. The adjective finer or finest means of the best quality; of the high or highest grade.

God’s objective in the refining process is to make us more beautiful and the best quality. We perceive each trial or hardship a mistake, but it’s more likely a masterful plan designed by God.  We need discernment to determine if the trial is an attack of the enemy or God wants to use it to train us. When we partner with Him and move closer to Him during the trial, God will reveal beautiful truths. 

 He wants to remove the things in our lives that don’t serve us best. He wants to build our character and create a masterpiece so the world sees Him in us. He wants to renew our minds and fill us with His love.  It is all for His glory and to help us be more whole.

When things get hard, we simply ask God to be our strength and help us persevere to the other side. When we shift our focus to God’s ability, He allows us the grace to hold on. All trials come to an end, either here on earth or in heaven. That’s a promise. When we let perseverance do its work, we become mature and complete, not lacking anything.

“God does not give us an overcoming life-He gives us life as we overcome. The strain of life is what builds our strength; no strain means no strength!” -- Oswald Chambers

Dear Papa, There have been so many times I’ve wanted to quit or escape this trial. Help me to see this hardship as an opportunity to hold on tight to You. Help me lean in so Your strength is what carries me. Help me realize You are not asking me to do this on my own. I want to experience Your presence and trust You as I persevere. Help me do hard things. Amen.

Are you still struggling?

Maybe this will help?

I’ve included a free worksheet to help you work through your own refining season. Just click on the image below and leave your name and email so I know where to send it.