We Were Created For Loving Union With God

we were created for loving union with God pamela henkelman

“My sheep listen to My voice, and I know them and they follow Me; - John 10:27

God’s Reassuring Voice

I reach for my husband’s hand the second after a drunk driver runs the red light and slams into our car.   Black smoke is rising from the airbags, and I’m terrified. I want to flee, but all I hear is the sound of impact ringing in my head, and I fear we could be hit again.  It’s hardly rational thinking.

 My chest hurts! “Why does my chest hurt? Could it be from the airbag explosion or the seatbelt?” I can’t catch my breath. We reassure each other we’ll be okay and are thankful we can move all our limbs. Tears roll down my cheeks and I shiver uncontrollably as the paramedics load us into separate ambulances. 

The chest pain continues, but I can’t tell if it is from within or just a reaction to the accident.  I’ve never had a panic attack. I am hooked up to a heart monitor, and my rhythm is normal. I hate being separated from my husband. I need to know that he’s okay. 

After being examined by a doctor in the ER, scans are ordered and off I go rolling down the hall to take the scans. The nurses and technicians are kind, but make fun of all the blankets piled on top of me

I’m slowly transferred to the hard table of the Cat scan machine. I’m surrounded by white plastic and the humming of the machine as it moves my body back and forth. I notice the puffy cloud images tacted to the ceiling tiles like they’re going to somehow make me feel better.

 After a few moments, I take a deep breath and feel sublimely calm.  Peace descends like a warm blanket, and I hear Papa’s voice.  “I’m right here. You’re going to be okay.” Warm tears fall as I’m reassured by God’s comforting voice.

My husband and I are joyfully reunited a couple of hours later with no broken bones. Rest and over-the-counter pain meds are prescribed. God surely rescues today.

Knowing God is near is a great comfort and a byproduct of union with Him.  Loving God is not just about having faith in our Maker or serving Him because we must; our hearts are intertwined and we are tethered.  He’s within me and He’s all around.  I am held and I can’t escape His presence.  My loving union with Him is everything.

We’re Created For Loving Union

We were created for loving union with God.  Our union is much more than salvation, dutiful service, performing religious rituals, and attending weekly church services.  We can do all these things and still not have union with God. 

“Your very being is made to be saturated with the being of God.”- John Eldredge

we were created for loving union with god pamela henkelman

John Eldredge, in Get Your Life Back, explains it like this:

 “You can have faith in God from a distance; you can have a “relationship” with Christ, but not be intimate.  You can find intimacy with Christ or your Father, or the Holy Spirit, and not be inhabited, interwoven, saturated.”

Press your palms and fingers flat together like someone praying. Your left palm represents God, and your right palm you. The expression, I would say, is an expression of genuine intimacy. You and God are close. Now, while your palms remained pressed together, fold your fingers downward, so that the fingers of both hands become intertwined. The entwining, this interlacing is what the hidden roots of the forest do.  We are after much more than faith, even more than intimacy.  We are after union, oneness-where our being and God’s Being become intertwined. The substance of our life-our  personality, our heart, our physicality, all of our experience-is filled over time to saturation with the substance of God’s life.”

Union with God is intimate; it’s awareness. It’s knowing I cannot escape His presence. Union is forged in the quiet place where we meet with Him, build a relationship with Him, and surrender our whole heart and being to Him. It’s a tender place of conversation, teaching, correction, submission, honesty, obedience, and learning God’s character.

 It’s between us and God. 

Benefits of Loving Union

  • We are never alone.  God’s promised presence goes with us always. He is both within and all around.  We are saturated in His presence and this brings peace.

 “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.” - Hebrews 13:5

  • We are restored.  Our deepest wounds and hurts are restored in the context of our loving union with God. We are able to receive His goodness and healing because of our connection with God.

“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.”- John 10:10

  • We are cared for. When life gets hard and the unthinkable happens, God is near and able to provide comfort to our hurting hearts. We don’t want to run away; we run to Him for comfort. 

“God is our refuge and strength, always ready in times of trouble.”- Psalm 46:1

We were created for loving union with God.  We are free to be as close to God as we like. When we become tethered and aware of His presence, we will have confidence in God.

Let’s pray.

Dear Papa, I want to have loving union with You.  I want to be free to talk about the things that are on my heart.  I want to know You more and be aware of Your presence always within and around me. Help me understand what it means to always have You with me.  I want to walk in the confidence of Your presence always. Amen.

Still, struggling?

Maybe this will help?

I have a free helpful five-day devotional: Draw Near Beloved: Five Encouragements to Increase Your Intimacy With God. Each morning, for five days, a short devotional will arrive in your inbox.  Leave your name and email so I know where to send it.