You are Loved by God, Part 1

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“The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.- Jeremiah 31:3 NIV

One of the surest ways to understand our identity in Christ is to start with love. We can be completely assured of God’s love based on what the scripture says. When we know, understand, and experience God’s love, we are changed. 

Looking For Love

My daddy doesn’t scoop me up when he sees me. Our time together is limited, as he carries the heavy burden of farming and raising pigs. Deep lines, a furrowed brow, and sadness are often reflected on his face.  

He introduces me to weird foods like smoked fish, blue cheese, and sardines. I enjoy our time together in the kitchen because it’s rare. I love to see the warmth in his eyes and a grin on his face in these fleeting moments. 

He calls me unusual nicknames, like “Quackgrass” or “Sowthistle.” It probably makes sense to him since he’s a farmer. But honestly, why would you think it’s cute to nickname your daughter after a weed?

The dinner table isn’t a place for a joyful family banter. Instead, quiet obedience is required. We never know what kind of mood dad will be in. He seems upset a lot, and we do not want to make things worse.

The cares of farming, family, my mom, and probably things he doesn’t understand weigh on him. He escapes the pain by running to alcohol, as the smell lingers on his breath. It’s how we know when we have to be extra cautious and quiet so as not to upset him.

There’s always so much work to be done, so there’s rarely time for fun. Some summer evenings he plays softball with me and my brothers. I want to impress him and make him pleased with me. I try hard to keep up with my brothers.

I long to see my dad smile. When he’s in a good mood, he’s a jokester. He has beautiful brown eyes, identical to mine, but mostly he shows us sadness and anger. 

I hold this ache in my heart from a very young age. Why am I not my daddy’s girl? Why aren’t I the apple of his eye?  What’s wrong with a brown-eyed girl? I’m his only daughter, but why doesn’t he notice me? Why am I not his princess?

I carry a sense of unworthiness, never measuring up or being good enough. I just want to be loved. 

Imagine the joy I experience as a young adult, as I pour over God’s Word and read about His love for me. I am undone. It’s too good to be true.   

Well-meaning people say things like, “If you’ve had a difficult relationship with your Father, you’ll probably have a hard time relating to God the Father.” I scoff at their assumption as I have the opposite experience. I say to the know-it-all, “Are you kidding me? Have you read the Bible because God’s love for me is all over the place?

He’s kind, loving and interested in what I have to say. He’s my protector, my provider, my shelter. God is everything my father is not. He is perfect!”

I’m drawn to the passages about God’s love. I exclaim it from the rooftops. 

God loves me

God sees me.

God delights in me.

God cares for me.

God loves me so much, He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for my sins. 

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God Is Love

Friends, love is where we must begin with God. In order to understand our true identity in Christ, we must understand God’s love for us. Make it your mission to study and read about all the ways God loves you.

If you have any other view of God, it is not Truth. It is likely built on a false impression formed from a difficult experience. Perhaps you’ve experienced loss, or you had a harsh father, or you’re mad at God for something, and it blocks your ability to receive His love. 

Our love for God isn’t based on feelings, it’s based on the truth from His Word. God whispers it over and over, you are loved.

God is love. 

Dear Papa, I have things that block my understanding of Your love for me.  Please help me remove those things so I can see You and experience Your love.  Remove the false impressions I have of You and open my eyes and heart to receive Your great love.  I want to experience Your love today. Please reveal it to me. Amen.

Are you still struggling?

Maybe this will help.

I’ve created a free guide to help you understand your identity in Christ as a Beloved Daughter of God. Simply click on the image below and leave your name and email so I know where to send it.