4 Ways to Rely On God

“Come away with me and you’ll recover your life.” Matthew 11:28 The Message

Sleepless Nights

The house is quiet, the only light comes from her bedside table where her phone is charging. Denise flops over angrily in bed to check the time on her phone. It registers 2:13 am; it’s been 40 minutes since she last looked. She sighs heavily as frustration rises in her soul as the uncontrollable thoughts race through her mind. She wonders about her daughter, Lizzie, away at college. Is she safe? Is she making friends? Is she making wise choices? Will she go crazy with all the freedom she has now? Will she go to church? Does she think about God anymore?

Denise tugs at her blankets and stares at the ceiling feeling lost and uncertain now that her daughter has moved away. “What am I supposed to do now? Who am I apart from my motherhood? What am I going to do with my time now that I don’t have all her activities to go to?” she wonders. 

Her thoughts turn to God. “Do you even care? You seem so far away? I feel unsure, unsteady and overwhelmed. Why does it have to be like this? This ache in my chest won’t go away and I don’t know what to do about it. I can’t steady my thoughts. I can’t find You in my grief. Where are you God? I feel alone and abandoned.”


I remember the sleepless nights after launching a child into the world and the ache I carried through my days. Everything in my world changed, and I didn’t know what I was supposed to do with this pain? How could I rely on God to get me through this heartache?

We all face this shift in our motherhood as we launch our children into the world. We long for the familiar, but we can’t find it because everything has changed. We wonder where God is, like He’s playing some cruel game of hide and seek. We feel unsettled and ill-equipped. How do we rely on Him in this season? What does that look like and how can it help relieve our pain?

How to Rely on God

We have some powerful words from Jesus, to anchor our souls on in Matthew 11:28-30:

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” - The Message

This is the remedy for the mom who wonders what to do next. Mom’s first step is to move closer to God, then watch and learn what He does. Follow His lead. Do what He does and see how you can recover your life. There are four takeaways from this passage that will encourage the questioning, overwhelmed momma. 

1.Recognize your state: We notice Jesus asks some important questions in this passage. He wants the reader to look inside and evaluate how they feel. When we acknowledge our true state we’re able to do something with it. Instead of denying our feelings, we bring them to the Light. When we do this, they have less of a hold on our hearts. It’s healthy to recognize when we aren’t doing well because it provides the impetus to change. “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion?” - Matthew 11:28

2. Approach God: The first invitation Jesus gives in this passage is “come.” He says, “Approach me. It’s safe near Me. Everything will change if you only come close.” He then says, “Get away with Me and you’ll recover your life.” He provides a promise to those who move closer. He longs to bring restoration to our weary souls. He wants to breathe hope and light back into our days. The only way this happens is when we accept the invitation to come. “Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life.” - Matthew 11:29

3.Walk with God: Once we’ve approached God, He asks us to stay, to watch and learn. See how He does it. How does a mom walk with God? We learn who God is through His Word. We learn about His character and ways through reading and studying the Bible. Not so we can have a notch on our spiritual belt, but because knowing the Word, helps us know God. In her book, Sacred Rhythms,  Ruth Haly Barton says, “Read the Bible for transformation not information.” This means as we read, we ask God to reveal Himself to our situation, then we humbly submit to what He requires of us. 

 To walk with God means we stay in step with what He is doing. We connect our prayers to His activity.  We think more of Him and less of ourselves, ever praying, “Your will be done.” Walking with God requires us to be eager students submitted to The Teacher.  “Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.” - Matthew 11:29

4. Stay connected to God:  We think of Him often and stay in continual communication with Him as we go through our days. In order to rely on God we need to practice a dance of dependence, recognizing our need for Him. Once we acknowledge our need, then it’s easier to stay in communication with God. In a moment of sadness, talk to God. When you’re overwhelmed, pour it out in prayer. In your coming and going, stay tuned to God’s gentle voice ever leading you to peace.  Our union with God is the doorway to lightness.Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” - Matthew 11:30

You will not survive this turbulent emotional season with your emerging adult unless you learn to rely on God. You will flounder and fade fast as you try to do this on your own.

We are welcomed near to our most gracious King. We are not left alone and abandoned, longing for normalcy. We gently take the hand of our Savior, and He guides us through unfamiliar paths, all the while reassuring us of His presence and goodness. As we come away with Papa, we will learn to live lightly and freely. 

Let’s pray.

Dear Papa, Help me be aware of my heart. Help this awareness cause me to run to You. I’m grateful You welcome me near and ask me to stay. I want to walk with You and talk with You. I long to learn how You do life, so I can experience grace and have a real rest. Be my Teacher. Help me learn Your unforced rhythms of grace so I can learn to live lightly and freely like You. Amen.

Still struggling?

I’ve created a free five day devotional to help you with your connection with God. Draw Near Beloved, 5 Encouragements to Increase Your Intimacy with God. Leave your name and email so I know where to send it.