How To Feel Secure When You're Upset

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As we look at what it means to be secure in Christ, we need to remember it’s not just physically, but emotionally. When the circumstances in our lives are filled with pressure and we feel trapped by pain, loss, despair, or anxiety, there’s a place we can go for sweet relief. 

“He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because He delighted in me.” -Psalm 18:19

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I’m feeling the weight of it all today. This diagnosis has robbed my husband, Bob, of the ability to speak clearly; his mobility is taxed and his energy drained.  Bob’s anxiety shoots through the roof as he wakes up each day with different limitations. Chronic Progressive Multiple Sclerosis is a thief robbing him of his ability to work, provide, and engage in everyday life. 

He retreats to his bed often, spent from emotional and physical exhaustion.  Normally, he would push through exhaustion. He’s hard-headed, driven to accomplish tasks, and values hard work, however, his body defies his request to produce. 

I’m left carrying the load with our three small children. The days feel long. I want to return to our old lives. This medical nightmare leaves me feeling alone and misunderstood. My days are filled with cooking, cleaning, parenting, and trying to navigate this ever-changing disease with my husband. There are new pressures and stress as we look forward to a disease with no cure. We face doctors who make educated guesses on how to treat the unending symptoms of memory loss, muscle spasms, tremors, and continuous nerve damage. 

Each day I sneak away to a spacious place where God rescues me from worry, doubt, and fear.  It’s not my reality, but by faith, I can confirm it’s existence.  It’s a quiet place where Papa and I meet.  I pour out my anguish, lost dreams, and endless trials. I unload my fears for the future, as the weight begins to lift.  I rehearse the promises from scripture, and I hold on to hope, even when my reality is hopeless. I meditate on God’s goodness and character. 

Being with Him, in this roomy space, helps me focus less on my troubles. Isn’t that the point of this walk with God, more of Him and less of me?

See, I imagine me and Papa in this perfect, expansive spot.  This boundless area is void of sorrow and trouble. In my mind, it’s a meadow, full of flowers; the sun shines bright as God whispers His love. Other days I imagine a majestic mountain top, where God has brought me to sit with Him. 

He stays with me and holds me. He tells me I’m seen. He speaks of His delight in me, which I can hardly believe because I’m just trying to hold it all together.  He says, “Please don’t feel you must hold it all together, that’s my job. Your job is surrender.” I sigh and once again,  release control, understanding, and will.  

 He assures me of His love and compassion in the messy middle of hardship. When I cry, “God, I can’t do this,” He lovingly asks me the same question. “Do you trust Me?” As warm tears roll down my cheeks, I whisper, “I do.”

Thankfully, this wasn’t the end of our story. I’ll tell you more about our miracle, another time.

Different Perspective

We often feel emotionally crushed by pressures of life:  stress, illness, anxiety, worry, loss,  financial or relational breakdowns; this is part of our human experience, and no one is immune. These are all things that cause us to feel insecure and usually keep us from connecting with God.  We long to manage and manipulate our circumstances in order to find peace.  The truth is security isn’t found in our circumstances, rather it’s in our connection with God.  This relationship we’re building with God is the answer to our hard days.

Moving closer to God helps us rise above our current reality into the area of faith and hope.  We will never rise above our circumstances until we learn this practice.  Focusing on your current trial, emotional upheaval, loss, or pain will result in helplessness, frustration, and disappointment.

We usually do two things with our emotional distress.  We either deny our hard feelings and stuff them deep, or we focus on them and can’t get past our despair to the truth. There is no shame in feelings. We are made in God’s image, He experiences deep emotions too.  We don’t need to judge ourselves harshly for feeling overwhelmed.  Our feelings are indicators that reveal something needs to be addressed inside. How we process our overwhelm makes all the difference.  Papa is waiting for us to come to Him with our emotional distress.

The benefit of finding a spacious place to meet with God is it helps us adjust our perspective.

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This practice of coming away with God helps us focus on the things above.  It doesn’t mean we are living in denial, on the contrary, this habit helps me not be ruled by my circumstances.   Partnering with God in this process is how we step into the realm of faith. Faith says, I know this is hard, but I’m going to look at my life from God’s perspective instead of my limited human experience

God lovingly waits for us to come away with Him.  It’s in this place, we’ll reorient our hearts and feel secure again.

What hinders you from meeting with God to sort out your emotional distress?

Dear Papa, Thank you for giving me emotions.  They indicate something going on inside of me that needs attention from You.  When I feel stress and pressure help me come away with You to a spacious place where I can renew my perspective and return to Your love and safety.  Thank you for helping me when I’m emotionally overwhelmed. Amen.

Still, struggling?

Maybe this will help.

I’ve included a free guide to help you understand your identity in Christ as a beloved daughter of God. Click on the image below and leave your name and email so I know where to send it.