Make Your Life A Prayer

make your life a prayer

We’re continuing in our Building a Close Relationship with God Series talking about prayer. Is prayerlessness keeping you far from God? Perhaps you have a narrow view of prayer.  Let’s talk about how to have a continual conversation with God.

“Make your life a prayer.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17 TPT

My View of Prayer

I had some rigid ideas about what prayer should look like when I first met the Lord over thirty years ago. I was more concerned about myself than I was about connecting to God. I wanted to do it right and say the right words. I wanted to seem spiritual. I wrongly assumed somehow if the words weren’t right,  God wouldn’t hear me.

As a Christian, I knew the right thing to do. I was to happily rise early and have a quiet time with God, reading my Bible, and praying for people. It felt like an assignment or obligation. I needed to check it off my “Good Christian Girl” checklist so I would be approved by God. I was quite proud of myself for doing it right.

Imagine the shame I’d feel when I missed a few days. Regret. Surely God was disappointed with me, so how could I possibly read my Bible again?  It’s funny how the devil hooks us with our performance. When we believe the lie our relationship with God depends on what we do, it’s a very slippery slope.  The truth that rescues us is to remember we love Him because He first loved us. He was pursuing us long before we met Him. Doesn’t that minimize the performance pressure?

make your life a prayer

As I’ve grown in a relationship with God, I now understand prayer is simply a conversation with God, and it doesn’t just happen in my allotted time of morning devotion. I can keep the conversation going all day long.

Continual Prayer

Paul wrote it best to the church in Thessalonica. He said, “Pray without ceasing.” This doesn’t mean nonstop prayer but continual prayer.  What you began in the morning as a focused effort, can spill into your day. Talk with God at work, when you cook, in the car, when you drop the kids to their activities, or as you do some menial tasks. I love how The Passion Translation puts it, “Make your life a prayer.”- 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Henry Blackaby says this about prayer: “The most important thing you can do after prayer is to watch for God’s activity.” Watch to see what God will do, and how He will answer. God will bring people into your life who confirm what He’s speaking to you. Maybe you’ll hear a song, or you’ll hear a sermon on the radio or a friend will offer you a nugget of truth. That is God speaking and an opportunity for you to offer thanks and praise. 

Another form of continual prayer is calling out to him as a need arises. In a moment of fear or doubt, you can simply say, “God, please help me now.”  Holy Spirit’s role in our life is Comforter. He will whisper His peace over your heart when you call. Because God never leaves or forsakes us, we can be assured of His response. 

Prayer is not an activity to check off your list.  Communication with God can flow all day long as He gently helps, strengthens, comforts, and leads us. We can be in His presence always. Give this approach a try and see how you feel closer to God.

Dear Papa, At times I’ve gotten this prayer thing all wrong.  I just wanted to check it off my list and get on with my day and You want to keep talking.  Forgive me for not paying attention to Your voice. Give me ears to hear and an open heart to know my life can be a prayer.  You are a part of every moment and You’ve left Holy Spirit here to comfort and guide me. Thank you for that. Help me reach out to you and have a continual conversation all day.  Thank you for Your love and pursuit of me. Amen.

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