Pamela Henkelman | Empty Nest Coach

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List the Gifts To Feel Close to God

“You have shown me the path that leads to life; your presence fills me with joy and brings me pleasure forevermore.” Psalm 16:11

Even though we are past Thanksgiving season, I want to carry gratitude into the rest of my days because the practice of keeping a gratitude list holds the key to feel close to God. The discipline of writing down a list each day changed me.

My Gray World

I sit in the dim early morning hours frustrated, empty, prayers don’t come. God seems far away. I open the Word but nothing speaks to me. The world feels grey. Where is the joy? Am I bored? Where has my usual sunny disposition gone? I feel unsettled, so unlike myself. God seems far away and I’ve lost the wonder. What can I do? Something needs to change.

I remember the book, One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.  There had been a buzz about it in Christian circles, and I knew I needed to read it; maybe it held a key.  I devoured the book then invited a few friends over to watch the video series with me. Her words captured me. She’s an artist and poet and spoke vulnerably of the pain she experienced, and how God showed her Himself through the act of keeping a gratitude journal. The book and practice of gratitude would change me forever and bring me closer to God.

“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.”-Sarah Ban Breathnach 

Often the dullness we sense is a result of not focusing on God enough. You know how we are, we go through our days doing the same boring stuff, and we wonder where God is. Maybe I’m more susceptible to boredom than the average person.  Can you relate?

We need to become an observer in our life, scouring the terrain for signs of God’s goodness, beauty, and grace. When we write down the things we’re thankful for, we see Him.  We see God in the beauty of simple moments, objects, words, and experiences. We slow, open our eyes, and look to be awed by God. 

Ann Voskamp describes them as gifts.  Gifts always point us to God, and when we see God in our ordinary, every day, we are changed.  His footprints are seen in the most unexpected places.

My List:

  1. The warmth of my coffee mug on a chilly morning.

  2. The sunlight on wood planks.

  3. The safety I feel as I wrap my hand in my husband’s hand.

  4. The delight of Gus’ giggle echoing through our house.

  5. A phone call from one of my kids.

When I first started listing gifts, six years ago,  I challenged our group to come up with 1000 gifts in six weeks. It was insane, but it helped me to open my eyes, be specific, and observe God in my life.  A few of us made it over 1000 on our lists and I have continued the practice ever since. I list three things each day in a journal. I try not to duplicate gifts each year, so I can expand my vision of the awe God has placed in my days. 

If you want to feel closer to God, I would recommend you start a gratitude list. Get ready to be surprised how present God is in your day.

Dear Papa, Please forgive me for rushing through my days without noticing Your presence.  Help me slow and open my eyes to see You in my ordinary, every day. Thank You for the gifts You’ve placed around me to help me see You. I want to see You more than anything because when I see You, I know You are here with me.  Open my eyes to the wonder and help me list Your beautiful gifts.

Are you still struggling?

Maybe this will help.

I’ve included a free guide to help you Build a Close Relationship With God.  Click on the image below and leave your name and email so I know where to send it.