Building A Close Relationship with God Series: Look Up
/“Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always,”-1 ChroniclesFo 16:11
We’re continuing in our Building a Close Relationship With God Series with a look at focus.
What we focus on becomes magnified in our lives. Focusing on pain and difficulty enlarges them, but focusing on God brings us peace.
Often God seems far off because our view of Him is clouded by our difficult circumstances. We need to shift our focus in order to see God. It’s in the shifting we experience His presence, which helps us have the ability to get through our hard days or frustrating moments.
The rambunctious child on the playground reaches to grab the monkey bars, but he slips and comes crashing down. Tears stain his face as he surveys the playground looking for the face of his father. Daddy swoops in and picks him up and says, “Look at me, it’s going to be okay.” Dad holds the child close and comforts him.
She’s labored for hours as waves of pain sweep through her body, so she can bring forth this life inside of her. She knows to look up. She focuses on her husband’s face and he counts her through the contraction. She’s drawing strength and courage from him to continue her arduous task.
Each of these has learned the value of focus. When they look to someone stronger they know they can make it through. When they shift their gaze from the pain they are experiencing, they receive comfort and care. And so it goes with our good God.
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