4 Reasons God is Remarkably Faithful to You

 “Yahweh! The Lord! The God of compassion and mercy! I am slow to anger and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.I lavish unfailing love to a thousand generations. I forgive iniquity, rebellion, and sin.” - Exodus 34:6-7a NLT

Tossing and Turning

Julia kicked the covers off, rolled over, and stared at the clock again as frustration grew in her heart. Angrily she thought “Why can’t I sleep???” The orange glow of the digital clock blared 2:30 am back at her as she scuffed because she had tossed and turned for an hour. She knew exactly why she couldn’t sleep. 

She spent an hour thinking about her youngest daughter at college. Fear and worry tumbled through her mind. “What if she gets with the wrong kind of friends? She seems so lonely. What if she dates the wrong guy? What if she makes the wrong choice? Why doesn’t she love God anymore? Where did I go wrong? What if she’s attacked at a party? What if she’s drugged and raped? Goodness that escalated quickly!” she thought. 

Spiraling, she knew she needed to stop. Breathing deep, she whispered, “God, please help me. Give me faith to trust You. Give the ability to understand You are with me and You are my help. Remind me of Your faithfulness. How easily I forget.”

Have you struggled to lean into God’s faithfulness when it comes to your adult child? 

This is often difficult for moms because we’ve always managed their problems. We were the fixers, problem solvers, and rescuers. How do we let go and entrust our children and their problems to our faithful God?

What does it mean when we describe God as faithful?

What do we need to know about the faithfulness of God? 

According to the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, “Faithfulness is one of the characteristics of God's ethical nature. It denotes the firmness or constancy of God in His relations with men, especially with His people. It is, accordingly, one aspect of God's truth and of His unchangeableness. God is true not only because He is really God in contrast to all that is not God, and because He realizes the idea of Godhead, but also because He is constant or faithful in keeping His promises, and therefore is worthy of trust” 

The Bible reverberates with the faithfulness of God. Each story and chapter is laced with examples of His dependability to His children. Even when God’s family disobeyed and rebelled, He was consistently trustworthy. 

Here is a moment where Moses met with God on the mountain. God spoke through a cloud.  The Lord passed in front of Moses, calling out, “Yahweh! The Lord! The God of compassion and mercy! I am slow to anger and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.I lavish unfailing love to a thousand generations. I forgive iniquity, rebellion, and sin.” - Exodus 34:6-7a

God spoke directly to Moses and what a message it was. He said he was slow to anger, filled with unfailing love, and faithfulness. If God is telling us this Himself, can we not trust Him when He speaks? How can we doubt what He says about Himself? This is proof of His faithfulness, We can settle our hearts on this revelation and rest in peace. 

Four Reasons God is Remarkably Faithful to You

1. God keeps His Word. 

When doubt rises in your heart, you merely need to return to the promises from God’s Word. In God’s perfect timing, and plan, He will do what He said He will do. The lost will be found, the hurting will find restoration, and the Lord will provide. These are a few of His promises and God is not a liar. 

It’s imperative you believe God is at work in your adult child’s life. Even when it doesn’t look like it. Even when it appears to be crumbling, God is still present and He’s asking you to trust Him. 

The Lord always keeps his promises, he is gracious in all he does.  Psalm 145:13 NLT

2. God is always present.

It may feel like God is absent. You may feel alone as you fret over your adult child, but you don’t base your relationship with God on feelings. You trust what He says in His Word, and then by faith you walk out the truths. God promises to be with you always.

David wrote this Psalm and it’s a beautiful revelation of David’s understanding that he can never escape God's presence. In his most joyous moments, God is present. In the darkness of despair and longing, God is there. What a beautiful truth for the overwhelmed mom. God simply asks you to acknowledge His nearness, no matter how you feel.  

I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence! If I go up to heaven, you are there;  if I go down to the grave, you are there.- Psalm 139:7-8 NLT

3. God knows your needs.

Even before one request is on your lips, God knows. You are seen. You are heard. God has complete knowledge of the distress you carry, and your resistance to trust Him. Because He already knows, you have freedom to bring your requests to Him. As you pour out your concerns, Papa, will call you to trust and believe. He’ll ask you to lay it down again and rely on Him as He reveals His good plans for your adult child. As you bring your needs to Him, He will meet you with compassionate grace, then He will ask you to trust Him.

 Don’t be like them, for your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!- Matthew 6:8 NLT

4. God transforms lives.

No matter what struggle or state your adult child is walking through, you serve a God who is able to transform lives. God is an expert at redeeming situations and hearts. He takes the broken and makes them whole. He binds up the wounds of the hurting. He restores minds and hearts as the Holy Spirit illuminates truth. Lives are healed and relationships restored. This is the heart of God. This is the faithfulness of your God at work. 

As a mom, you must stand on this truth. No one is too far from God. He can intervene at any moment. It’s wise to trust His timing because He knows much more than you do. He sees the whole, you see but a sliver. At the right moment God will intervene and the transformation will be glorious.

And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.  Ezekiel 36:26

When worry seeks to steal our peace, we have the responsibility to realign our hearts and minds with the truth of who God is. 

Our God is:








When we realize the faithfulness of God, we can confidently lay down our fears and worries and trust the good work God is doing in our adult child’s life. Like the song says, “If it’s not good yet, it means God’s not done yet.”

Let’s pray.

Dear Papa, I choose to recognize Your faithfulness today. Give me the strength to align my heart and mind with the truth of Your Word. I don’t want to be blinded by fear and doubt anymore. Thank You for reassuring me over and over again of how faithful You are. Give me courage and faith to trust and believe You concerning my adult child. Amen. 

Still struggling?

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