This is the Right Way to Set Strong Boundaries
/Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon. - Philippians 4:5 NLT
There is a right and a wrong way to set boundaries. The goal of boundary setting is to help everyone understand who is responsible for what.
Never start a conversation about boundaries with this phrase,”This is my boundary…!” It is the surest way to offend your adult child because we sound demanding. Implementing boundaries is positive and helpful.
Setting Boundaries is not:
gas lighting
Remember, the reason for your boundary. It’s so you won’t become burnt out or overwhelmed and so your adult child becomes responsible for themselves. Boundaries aid in understanding your capacity and limits. They’re a tool to foster healthy interdependent relationships with your adult children, but there is a right way to set them.
First off, we have to establish what we need in the way of boundaries with our adult children. Boundaries are for you and about what you need in a relationship.
There are several types of boundaries:
Physical-has to do with personal space and privacy.
Emotional-what you will and won’t provide emotionally for your child
Financial-focuses on money and how you will or won’t help your adult child financially
Intellectual-encompass beliefs and ideas and the respect of your differences.
A boundary only becomes a limit when you have evaluated what you need, communicated with your child about it, then held said boundary. You must do all three parts otherwise it’s just wishful thinking.
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