Ten Things Not to Say to Your Adult Child
/"Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person"- Colossians 4:6
Careless Words
Bridgett busied herself in the kitchen as her son, Ian, was home from his senior year in college. He plopped down on the kitchen stool, heavy-hearted and stressed. Bridgett barely noticed her son’s downtrodden appearance. “School sucks, and I don’t think I can finish,” Ian said.
“Oh, come on, you’ll be fine; it’s just finals stress. Everyone has it; you’ll get through it like I did 25 years ago. Buck up, Buddy, you’ll be fine,” Bridgett commented as she prepped the chicken for dinner. Ian slouched on the stool, grabbed his backpack and coat, then slinked off to his bedroom. On his way up the stairs, Ian whispered, “Thanks a lot, Mom. Thanks for always making it about you.”
“Sheesh,” Bridgett thought “That kid is such a baby. When will he ever grow up?”
As moms, we love our adult children deeply, and we want to stay connected with them. But sometimes, the words we say—often with good intentions—can create distance instead of drawing us closer.
Without even realizing it, we might make them feel guilty, criticized, or like they’ll never quite measure up. If we want to have strong, healthy relationships with our adult kids, we must be mindful of what we say (and how we say it!).
Here are ten phrases to avoid:
You could call me sometime, ya know!
Did you go to church this week?
You should…!
I thought you would have…!
I just know how you are.
Why can’t you put your phone down?
You can’t move away from me!
When are you going to get a real job?
How much did you spend on that?
I can’t drive that far to see you.